龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script


《千禧年》杂志的财经记者米克尔·布隆克维斯特(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)正被一桩报导引起的诽谤诉讼案搞得焦头烂额之际,却意外接到了瑞典顶尖家族企业范耶尔工业集团的创始人亨利·范耶尔(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的邀请。表面上米克尔要为对方写传记,实则是帮迪奇调查一桩40年前发生在家族里的悬而未决的杀人案。米克尔认真梳理堆积如山的资料,与家族成员交流攀谈。却在关键时刻,被一个边缘女孩莉丝贝丝·沙兰德(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)入侵电脑盗取了资料。他找到同要具有非凡调查能力的莉丝,邀请她一同调查,却发现面前是一个深不见底的欲望黑洞……本片根据瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉尔松(Stieg Larsson)的原著改编。

Im sure he thought you could destroy Wennerstrom with this in the court of public opinion.
The court of public opinion, now celebrates people's bad behaviour.
He promised me Wennerstroms carcass on a plate.
This isnt even the plate.
I cant do anything with this.
Of course... What happened with Wennerstrm?
How did he get you?
I was stupid.
I got something, I got it from an anonymous source..
Who I'm sure, was one of Wennerstrm's lakies Which he easily proved in court.
You were emphatic that the way I looked into your life was illegal and immoral.
Would you feel the same about Wennerstrm?
Go on.
I did some work on my own on him, before you hired me.
I havent had a chance to look at it all - B'cos you and Harriet-f***ing-Vanger have kept me busy ... - but I may have something.
- You may have something?
They launder money from arms and drug sales, and crime syndicates in Russia.
And that money - accounts for all but 5-percent of his holdings - the rest ends up in accounts in the Cayman Islands.
How do you know this?
This time you dont want to know.
This time I do want to know.
I have access to his computer, and his accountants and lawyers.
And how do you have that?
I could have gotten it from a source inside the company.