龙纹身女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Script


《千禧年》杂志的财经记者米克尔·布隆克维斯特(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)正被一桩报导引起的诽谤诉讼案搞得焦头烂额之际,却意外接到了瑞典顶尖家族企业范耶尔工业集团的创始人亨利·范耶尔(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的邀请。表面上米克尔要为对方写传记,实则是帮迪奇调查一桩40年前发生在家族里的悬而未决的杀人案。米克尔认真梳理堆积如山的资料,与家族成员交流攀谈。却在关键时刻,被一个边缘女孩莉丝贝丝·沙兰德(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)入侵电脑盗取了资料。他找到同要具有非凡调查能力的莉丝,邀请她一同调查,却发现面前是一个深不见底的欲望黑洞……本片根据瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉尔松(Stieg Larsson)的原著改编。

- Right, I didn't mean to... My grandfather forged the tracks
the 4:
30 train will take you home. We stitched this country together.
We made the steel-- and milled the lumber that built modern Sweden.
And what our most profitable product now is?
Im not obsessed with the declining health of the company, but I am with the settling of accounts - and the clock is ticking.
I need your help.
Doing..doing what?
Officially, assisting me with my memoirs.
But what youd really be doing..
is solving a mystery. And by doing what you do so well - Your recent legal mishap of yours notwithstanding.
Youd be investigating thieves, misers, bullies, - the most detestable collection of people youll ever meet ... my family.
Would you like to sit? I could possibly clear a place if necessary.
- Did you make it?
- Have you something for me?
Im on welfare; I dont administer it.
This isnt enough.
No thank you?
This is Harriet. The grandaughter of my brother Richard.
Richard, was a Nazi of the first order - joining the - Nationalist Socialist Freedom League when he was 17.
Isnt it interesting how fascists always steal the word freedom "freedom".
The 4:
30. Yes. Okay... Anyway, Richard died a martyr to the Nazi cause - in 1940, missed all the real excitement - but not the opportunity to regularly beat his wife Margareta..
and their son, Gottfried.
Now, Gottfried - Harriets father - was what people used to call - a Good-Time-Charlie.
- Theyre still called that.