MALL (WINTER 1945) MICHAEL driving during the night. There is a little fog in the air, and moisture has formed on the windshield, making it difficult to see well. The wipers move across the view, as the gate of the Corleone Mall appears before us, still decorated for Christmas. The courtyard is bathed with white floodlight, giving this place a cold and isolated look. The narrow entrance mouth of the Mall is sealed off with a link chain. There are strange cars parked along the curving cement walk. SEVERAL MEN are congregated about the gate and chain; ONE of them approaches MICHAEL's car. THERESA HAGEN is sitting stiffly on the sofa, smoking a cigarette; on the coffee table in front of her is a water glass half filled with whiskey. On the other side of the sofa sits CLEMENZA; his face is impassive, but he is sweating, and the cigar in his hand glistens slickly black with his saliva. PAULIE GATTO sits tensely and alone on the other side of the room. CLEMENZA sees MICHAEL, looks up at him.