The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script



DON'S HOSPITAL STREET (WINTER 1945) Outside the hospital is empty save for a nervous ENZO, pacing back and forth brandishly the flowers as his only weapon. MICHAEL exits the hospital and moves to him. They both stand under a lamppost in the cold December night.
They are both frightened; MICHAEL gives ENZO a cigarette, lights it. ENZO's hands are trembling, MICHAEL's are not.
Get rid of those and look like you've got a gun in your pocket.
The windows of the hospital twinkle with Christmas decorations.
Listen... We HEAR the sound of a single automobile coming. MICHAEL and ENZO look with fear in their eyes. Then MICHAEL takes the bouquet of flowers and stuffs them under his jacket.
They stand, hands in their pockets.
A long low black car turns the corner and cruises by them.
MICHAEL's and ENZO's faces are tough, impassive. The car seems as though it will stop; and then quickly accelerates.
MICHAEL and ENZO are relieved. MICHAEL looks down; the BAKER's hands are shaking. He looks at his own, and they are not.
Another moment goes by and we can hear the distant sound of police sirens. They are clearly coming toward the hospital, getting louder and louder. MICHAEL heaves a sigh of relief.
In a second, a patrol car makes a screaming turn in front of the hospital; then two more squad cars follow with uniformed POLICE and DETECTIVES. He smiles his relief and starts toward them. TWO huge, burly POLICEMEN suddenly grab his arms while ANOTHER frisks him. A massive POLICE CAPTAIN, spattered with gold braid and scrambled eggs on his hat, with beefy red face and white hair seems furious. This is McCLUSKEY.
I thought I got all you guinea hoods locked up. Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?
ANOTHER COP standing nearby:
He's clean, Captain.
MICHAEL studies McCLUSKEY closely.
(quietly) What happened to the detectives who were supposed to be guarding my father?
(furious) You punk-hood. Who the hell are you to tell me my business. I pulled them off. I don't care how many Dago gangsters kill each other.
I wouldn't lift a finger to keep your old man from getting knocked off. Now get the hell out of here; get off this street you punk, and stay away from this hospital.
MICHAEL stands quiet.
I'll stay until you put guards around my father's room.
Phil, lock this punk up.
The Kid's clean, Captain...He's a war hero, and he's never been mixed up in the rackets...
(furious) Goddam it, I said lock him up. Put the cuffs on him.
(deliberately, right to McCLUSKEY's face, as he's being handcuffed) How much is the Turk paying you to set my father up, Captain?
Without any warning, McCLUSKEY leans back and hits MICHAEL squarely on the jaw with all his weight and strength.