The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script



Then THEY hand me Sollozzo.
Come ON Sonny, your father wouldn't want to hear this. This is not a personal thing, this is Business.
And when they shot me father...
Yes, even the shooting of your father was business, not personal...
No no, no more advice on how to patch it up Tom. You just help me win. Understood?
HAGEN bows his head; he is deeply concerned.
I found out about this Captain McCluskey who broke Mike's jaw.
He's definitely on Sollozzo's payroll, and for big money.
McCluskey's agreed to be the Turk's bodyguard. What you have to understand is that while Sollozzo is guarded like this, he's invulnerable. Nobody has ever gunned down a New York Police Captain. Never. It would be disastrous. All the five families would come after you Sonny; the Corleone family would be outcasts; even the old man's political protection would run for cover. So just...take that into consideration.
(still fuming) McCluskey can't stay with the Turk forever. We'll wait.
We can't wait. No matter what Sollozzo say about a deal, he's figuring out how to kill Pop. You have to get Sollozzo now.
The kid's right.
What about McCluskey?
Let's say now that we have to kill McCluskey. We'll clear that up through our Newspaper contacts later.
Go on Mike.
They want me to go to the conference with Sollozzo. Set up the meeting for two days from now. Sonny, get our informers to find out where the meeting will be held.
Insist it has to be a public place: a bar or restaurant at the height of the dinner hour. So I'll feel safe. They'll check me when I meet them so I won't be able to carry a weapon; but Clemenza, figure out a way to have one planted there for me.
(pause) Then I'll kill them both.
Everyone in the room is astonished; they all look at MICHAEL.
Silence. SONNY suddenly breaks out in laughter. He points a finger at MICHAEL, trying to speak.
You? You, the high-class college kid. You never wanted to get mixed up in the family business. Now you wanta gun down a police Captain and the Turk just because you got slapped in the face. You're taking it personal, it's just business and he's taking it personal.
Now CLEMENZA and TESSIO are also smiling; only HAGEN keeps his face serious.
(angrily, but cold) Sonny, it's all personal, and I learned it from him, the old man, the Godfather. He took my joining the Marines personal. I take Sollozzo trying to kill my father personal, and you know I'll kill them Sonny.
MICHAEL radiates danger...SONNY stops laughing.
CLEMENZA'S CELLAR (WINTER 1945) CLOSE on a revolver.