She absolutely adores him and can barely take her eyes from him long enough to thank the various GUESTS for the white envelopes they are putting into the large white purse she holds. In fact, if we watch carefully, we can see that one of her hands is slid under his jacket, and into his shirt, where she is provocatively rubbing the hair on his chest.她非常喜欢他,几乎无法把目光从他身上移开,感谢各种客人把白色信封放进她拿着的白色大钱包里。事实上,如果我们仔细观察,我们可以看到她的一只手滑到他的夹克下面,伸进他的衬衫里,在那里她挑衅地摩擦着他胸前的头发。