AMERIGO BONASERA'S APARTMENT The serious-faced UNDERTAKER is on the telephone.
HAGEN (O.S.) This is Tom Hagen. I'm calling for Don Corleone, at his request.
BONASERA looks at his WIFE, with deep anxiety in his eyes.
BONASERA's lips are suddenly dry.
Yes, I understand. I'm listening.
HAGEN (O.S.) You owe the Don a service. In one hour, not before, perhaps later, he will be at your funeral parlor to ask for your help. Be there to greet him. If you have any objections speak now, and I'll inform him.
Silence. BONASERA stutters, then speaks in fright.
Anything...Anything the Godfather wishes.
HAGEN (O.S.) Good. He never doubted you.
The Don himself is coming to me tonight?
HAGEN (O.S.) Yes.
(click) BONASERA is sweating; slowly he lowers the phone; his WIFE sees his pale expression, and follows him into the room.
Silently, he begins the ritual of dressing. His WIFE knows something serious is happening, and never takes her eyes from him. He lights a cigarette.
For the last year, they have been killing one another. So now, what?
Your Godfather comes to me...Why?
(whispering, slyly) They've killed someone so important that they wish to make his body disappear.
MRS. BONASERA (frightened) Amerigo!
They could make me an accomplice to their murder. They could send me to jail!