The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script



Over, on the other side of the courtyard, he sees FABRIZZIO disappear through the gate.
(muttering to himself) Where the hell is he going?
MICHAEL goes down the hallway, and outside.
MICHAEL steps out into the bright sunlight of the outer courtyard, causing him to shade his eyes.
APPOLONIA sees him, and waves, motioning that he should stay where he is.
(calling out) I'll drive to you.
He smiles affectionately.
CALO stands beside the car, smiling, with his lupara dangling by his side. There is no sight of FABRIZZIO. Suddenly the smile fades from MICHAEL's face. He steps forward and holds out his hand.
No. No!
His shout is drowned in the roar of a tremendous EXPLOSION, as she switched on the ignition.
Part of the wall is caved in, the kitchen door is blown off; and there is nothing left of the Alpha, or of Appolonia.
MICHAEL is thrown against the wall, and knocked unconscious.
VILLA BEDROOM MICHAEL is unconscious in a darkened room. We hear whispering around him, but can't make any of it out. A soft cloth is applied to his face; gradually his eyes open. DON TOMMASSINO is there, close to him. He looks at them and from their grave expressions, he knows his wife is dead.
Fabrizzio. Let your shepherds know that the one who gives me Fabrizzio will own the finest pastures in Sicily.
--------------------------------------FADE OUT----------
MALL (SPRING 1951) Easter.
A HIGH VIEW ON THE CORLEONE MALL in the springtime. Hordes of little CHILDREN including many of the Corleone Children and Grandchilren, rush about carrying little Easter baskets, searching here and there for candy treasures and hidden Easter eggs.
The DON himself, much older, much smaller in size, wearing baggy pants and a plaid shirt and an old hat, moves around his garden, tending rows and rows of rich tomato plants.
Suddenly, he stops and looks.
MICHAEL stands there, still holding his suitcase.
Great emotion comes over the DON, who takes a few steps in MICHAEL's direction.
MICHAEL leaves his suitcase and walks to his favorite son and embraces him.
Be my son...
THE OLIVE OIL FACTORY DON CORLEONE leads MICHAEL through the corridors of the building.