CHURCH (1955) The christening party outside the Church.
Four or five limousines have been waiting; now pull up to receive MAMA, CONNIE and the baby; and the others.
Everyone is very happy; only MICHAEL seems aloof and grave.
As the fuss is going on, a car pulls up. LAMPONE gets out and works his way to MICHAEL. He whispers in his ear. This is the news MICHAEL has been waiting for.
CONNIE holds the baby up to MICHAEL.
Kiss your Godfather.
The infant turns its head, and MICHAEL uses that as an excuse to back away.
Carlo...we've had a change in the plans. Mama, Connie, Kay and the kids will have to take the trip out to Vegas without us.
Oh Mike, it's our first vacation together.
(anxious to please) Jesus, Connie...Sure, Mike...
Go back to your house and wait for me... He kisses KAY.
(to KAY) I'll just be a couple of days... People are guided to the correct limousines; they start to drive off.
DON'S KITCHEN TESSIO sits in the Kitchen of the Main House on the Mall.