The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

THE NEW YORK HARBOR - DAY SILENCE. We glide past the Statue of Liberty.
VIEW on the IMMIGRANTS standing on shipboard silently; looking. Vito is standing with them, his eyes wide.
CAMERA MOVES IN on the statue, then MOVING PAST, on to the beautiful buildings of Ellis Island.
EXT. ELLIS ISLAND - DAY A tugboat pulls a barge brimming with immigrants into the Ellis Island harbor. Uniformed officials of the Immigration Service load them up toward the main building.
INT. ELLIS PROCESSING HALL - DAY The hundreds of immigrant families sit on rows of benches in the great hall. Various painted lines lead to the steps and processing rooms above.
There is the babble of many interviews going on simultaneously, uncertainly, in different languages.
Vito is bundled in an old coat, with a large tag pinned on
"Vitone Andolini -- Corleone, Sicilia."
He stands, moves up in the line, when several other immigrant boys, older than he, rush up an push him back in the line.
Weak from the trip, he falls to the floor. The boys laugh, derisive in a language he cannot understand. He struggles to his feet, lifting his makeshift bags; staring at them in an icy hatred.
INT. PROCESSING ROOM - DAY Three or four interviews are crowded into the small room; they are conducted in English. From the expression on Vito's face, and from the fragmented of the English, we realize that he doesn't understand a word of it.
(English) What is your name?
The man waits, impatiently.
Your name?
Vito doesn't answer. The Official pulls the tag pinned onto his coat and copies to down on his form, using a typewriter.
(speaking as he types) Vito...Corleone. Step up, over there.
He hands the form to another official.
CLOSE VIEW on the form. The name has been entered as Vito Corleone.
INT. MEDICAL EXAM - DAY Vito is stripped to the waist, as other immigrants wait.
The DOCTOR is just finishing his examination. He shakes his head, and then writes on the medical form.
Can you understand me?
Vito stares blankly.
You understand? Smallpox. Smallpox.
He doesn't understand. The doctor turns to the Immigration Official.
Quarantine...six months.