The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

Six men take up posts by Michael's house.
We'll try.
It's important.
He returns inside.
EXT. MAIN GATE AND KENNELS - NIGHT The character of the summer estate has changed: bright floodlights illuminate the main points of entry: the main gate; the waterway; the stone wall that encompasses the estate on all sides.
Several men with flashlights reinforce the guard at the main gate.
Off in the distance, we see another group of men with flashlights combing the waterline. We hear indistinguishable shouts.
VIEW ON THE KENNELS The wire gates are opened, and the trained dogs go out yelping into the outer edge of the estate.
One of Rocco's men turns the large floodlight scanning darkened forest areas, where men could hide.
Men with flashlights and dogs. Moving through the dark areas.
A small Corleone launch, with a bright spotlight slowly cruises the boundaries of the estate. We SEE the silhouette of men with guns, quietly waiting and watching.
EXT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - NIGHT Some of the bodyguards by the shattered windows of Michael's bedroom.
The curtains are drawn from inside.
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - NIGHT Kay, the children, and some women servants have come down from the various rooms into the central living area, that can be most easily secured. The little girl is still asleep; they make you think of an immigrant family, with their blankets and frightened faces, all waiting in a central room.
Michael goes up to Kay, squeezes her hand, and whispers:
It will be all right. We were lucky.
She says nothing; but her face expresses the anger she feels over the jeopardy Michael has placed his children in. She holds her young daughter in her arms.
The door opens, and Rocco enters. He quickly realizes he is holding his gun in plain view in front of the family, and puts it away. Michael moves to him, and they talk a distance away from Kay.
Your family all seem to be okay in the other houses; your Mother's still sleeping.
No sign of them yet; but they're still on the Estate.
We HEAR loud shouting from outside.
DEANNA (O.S.) Goddamn you! You're all nuts here, I'm not goin' to calm down... MICHAEL'S VIEW Through the door, that Rocco opens.
Deanna, in her nightgown, has been frightened by the gunshots; while Fredo in his bathrobe, tries to get her back into the house.
Deanna, will you get back into the house!