The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

VIEW ON THE ENTIRE GROUP Leon pauses to take a drink of water. Then proudly, he lifts a shiny yellow telephone for all to see.
The President would like to take this opportunity to thank U T&T for
their lovely gift:
a solid gold telephone! He thought all you gentlemen would care to take a look at it.
He hands the heavy phone set to one of his aides, and it is passed in turn to each of the men in attendance.
Your Excellency, perhaps you could discuss the status of rebel activity and how this may affect our businesses.
MED. CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL He receives the telephone, and glances at it before passing it on to Hyman Roth.
LEON (O.S.) Of course. The rebel movement is basically unpopular, and since July of 1958 has been contained in the Oriente Province, in the mountains of the Sierra Muestre.
Michael passes the phone on to Roth.
(continuing) We began a highly successful offensive against them in March, and activities within the city itself are at a minimum. I can assure you we'll tolerate no guerrillas in the casinos or swimming pools!
General subdued laughter.
A CUBAN STREET - LATE DAY Police are stopping traffic. Michael's Mercury is among the cars; a police officer, seeing that some important person is being driven, walks up to the driver. He leans forward, and says something in Spanish to the driver.
The driver, in turn, leans over to Michael.
He says it will just be a short time and they'll let us through.
Michael looks out the window.
MICHAEL'S VIEW The old building has been totally surrounded by police and military vehicles. Right at this moment, they are waiting lazily, but soldiers are there with automatic weapons ready.
There is a momentary commotion inside the building, and the men brace up. A Captain of the Army detachment says something in Spanish over a megaphone; and his men put their weapons at the ready, as other policemen lead a group of civilians out of the building with their hands up.
They are moved over to some military truck, where they are frisked before being loaded.
All of a sudden, one of the civilian rebels breaks loose, and rushes toward the command vehicle. He hurls himself into the vehicle, as two police try to pull him out. A second later, and there is an explosion; the man obviously having hidden a grenade on his body, sacrificing his own life to take the life of the Captain.
There is a commotion, but the military quickly quell it.
CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL watching. The police rush to Michael's car and guide it outside of the trouble area.
MED. VIEW as they lead and escort the Mercury out of the area.
EXT. HAVANA COUNTRY CLUB - CLOSE VIEW - DAY Some glasses; rum is poured into them; then Coca Cola.
Quarter limes are squeezed.
SAM ROTH (O.S.) Rum... Coca Cola...a squeeze of fresh lime... Sam prepares the drinks for his brother, Hyman, and a group of men, including Michael.
Cuba Libres.