The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

The doctor examines him, and then gives instructions to the orderly who carries him out, presumably to the ambulance.
Bussetta closes the door on this VIEW.
INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT An orchestra plays for the guests, as an army of waiters serve champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Michael relaxes with Senator Geary, Major Leon, and several of the Americans.
The embargo on arms shipments from the U.S. to your government, was just a necessary public relations move... Only last month, your air force received a major shipment of rockets... Michael glances at his watch; Fredo concentrates on this.
We believe in non-intervention... but the agreement stipulates that our forces may be withdrawn... but as you've seen, we have not withdrawn them.
And my guess is that President Eisenhower won't pull out while we have over three billion invested over here.
Fredo. Where are you going?
Nowhere, Mike. I wanted to get a refill. How about you?
EXT. HAVANA HOSPITAL - MED. VIEW - NIGHT The ambulance makes its way up to the emergency section of the hospital. The orderlies quickly carry the old man inside. His wife and the doctor, and several of his men, follow in another car.
and we see Bussetta waiting in the shadows.
EXT. HAVANA STREETS - NIGHT The growing crowds of Cubans begin their celebration.
A Cuban military detachment speeds along in the night, motorcyclists clear a path through the celebrants.
INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - FULL VIEW - NIGHT A full sitdown dinner is being served the guests. Michael sits at a table at dinner with several of the distinguished Cubans, and some of the American businessmen.
What's kept Mr. Roth?
Fredo looks up at Michael.
In the back of the room, we notice the detachment of military moving quickly through the reception room on their way to the President's private quarters. Michael notices it as well.
INT. THE HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - FULL VIEW - NIGHT The activity at the end of the hall has come to rest; we can tell that the doctor tells Mrs. Roth that she should go, the old man will be taken to a room where he can rest.
Gradually, these people leave him in the care of the hospital staff.
Bussetta watches from the distance of the hallway; after the old man has been moved, he quietly walks down the hallway to the room.
A nurse sits in the room in attendance; Hyman Roth is asleep, his mouth wide open, breathing noisily.
VIEW ON BUSSETTA hears footsteps, quickly steps away from the door, and into another room.
Some nurses and attendants speak to the nurse in the room in Spanish; one has brought a small bottle of wine, and obviously they are inviting the nurse to have a New Year's toast with them. They laugh; and the nurse steps away from the room for a moment.
Bussetta moves slowly back into the room, alone with the helpless Roth.
INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - FULL VIEW ON THE GUESTS - NIGHT seeing in the New Year; a great banner is hoisted up in Spanish, welcoming 1959.
Hands are shaken; kisses exchanged.