The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

MED. CLOSE VIEW Michael and Fredo in an embrace; they kiss one another.
I've arranged for a plane; we're going to Miami in an hour. Try not to make a big thing of it.
He kisses his brother once again.
(Sicilian) I know it was you, Fredo. You've broken my heart.
Slowly, understanding, Fredo backs away from his brother, taking the kiss another way.
A little distance away, Major Leon notices an old woman, one of the President's maids, moving across the alcove, carrying her suitcases.
What a pity; she's crying. Must have been fired, and she's been with the President's family for twenty years.
EXT. HAVANA STREETS - NIGHT The gathered crowd joyously welcomes the New Year. We notice the continual military movement.
MED. VIEW A family surreptitiously leaves their home, carrying suitcases and belongings.
INT. ROTH'S HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Bussetta raises a hospital pillow, and easily begins to smother the thin old man, who can barely struggle.
OUT IN THE HALL: A detachment of military move quickly, accompanied by some of Roth's men, as though they have important news that must be dealt with.
They pass the small group of aides and nurses welcoming the New Year.
Seeing them, the nurse assigned to him, puts down her glass and moves quickly to the room.
She opens the door, and lays bare the sight of Bussetta smothering Roth. Bussetta turns quickly; and one of the military takes out his pistol and shoots several times at his head.
INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT The entire reception has been disrupted for an announcement; all the guests in their formal dress and evening gowns, standing with frightened faces like first class passengers on a doomed ship. The President himself, his back to our VIEW, is making an announcement in Spanish. While he speaks, we notice continuous movement of his personal staff, carrying suitcases and possessions.
...Because of serious setbacks of our troops in Guantanamo and Santiago, we feel reluctantly, that we must leave the Capital at once.
Myself and my family must bid you goodbye, and good fortune. We will go directly to Ciudad Trujillo.
The crowd is stunned; already whispers are moving throughout the guests.
The only one who is not completely taken off guard is Michael, who quietly steps back, and disappears from the room.
...My only regret is that there could not have been more warning... As my last official act as President, I hereby appoint a provisional government with Dr.
Carlos M. Piedra, as its President.
By now, there is only one thought among the guests: how can they get out, and with what.
EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT We see evidence of the confusion at this late hour; already cars are beginning to move; people leaving the Palace in haste. Michael moves quickly toward his car. He sees Fredo, watching him in fear.
Come with me. It's your only way of getting out!
Terrified of his brother, and what he knows; Fredo backs away into the growing noise and confusion of the crowd.