The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

VITO (O.S.) Signore Roberto... He rises to be face to face with a polite Vito Corleone.
The friend of my wife, a poor widow with no man to protect her, tells me that for some reason she has been ordered to move from your building. She is in despair. She has no money, she has no friends except those that live here.
Signor Roberto brusquely answers, and continues on his way.
I have already rented the apartment to another family.
I told her I would speak to you, that you are a reasonable man who acted out of some misunderstanding.
She has gotten rid of the animal that caused all the trouble, so why shouldn't she stay. As one Italian to another, I ask you the favor.
I've already rented it; I cannot disappoint the new tenants. They're paying a higher rent.
How much more a month?
Eh... (we sense he is lying) Five dollars more.
Vito reaches into his pocket, and takes out a roll of bills.
Here is the six month's increase in advance. You needn't speak to her about it, she's a proud woman. See me again in another six months.
But of course, you'll let her keep her dog.
Like hell! And who the hell are you to give me orders. Watch your manners or you'll be on your Sicilian ass in the street there.
Vito raises his hands in surprise; his voice is reasonable.
I'm asking you a favor, only that.
One never knows when one might need a friend, isn't that true? Here, take this money as a sign of my good-will, and make your own decision. I won't quarrel with it.
(he puts the money in Roberto's hand) Do me this little favor, just take it and think carefully. Tomorrow morning if you want to give me the money back, by all means do so. If you want the woman out of your house, how can I stop you? It's your property, after all. If you don't want the dog in there, I can understand. I dislike dogs myself.
(he pats Roberto on the shoulder) Do me this service, eh? I won't forget it. Ask your friends in this neighborhood about me, they'll tell you I'm a man who believes in showing his gratitude.
Without a word more, Vito leaves a hypnotized Roberto standing in front of the tenement, his hand clasping the money.
EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - DAY A thin young man, almost gawky, walks down the street in this Italian neighborhood, his name is HYMAN SUCHOWSKY.
He carries his tools as he comes home from work. He is pursued and tormented by a couple of Italian youths, about his own age, eighteen.
Kid, where do you live?
Where'd you get those n*gger lips?
He tries not to be intimidated; finally one of the boys, steps in front of him and stops him.