The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script


The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime.

Ola says a few things to her and she disappears, leaving the door open.
Ola comes down the steps, looks at Michael, nodding to him.
Ola then gets into his car and drives off. Michael walks up the walkway and enters the little house, closing the door behind him.
This woman, TERRI ROTH, is in the kitchen, looking out at Michael.
I'm just going to make lunch. How about a tuna fish sandwich?
Thank you, Mrs. Roth.
She hurries halfway up the staircase.
Hyman...HYMAN, your friend is here.
(turning to Michael) Why don't you go right upstairs, Mr.
He continues upstairs; she goes into the kitchen.
I'll give a yell when lunch is ready.
Michael continues up to a small den on the second floor; we can HEAR the sound of a baseball game coming over the television.
INT. HYMAN ROTH'S DEN - DAY Michael enters the den: it's very comfortable, but somewhat like a senior citizen's retirement home in Florida.
MICHAEL'S VIEW There, sitting before the television is a small man in his middle sixties, thin, with a wizened face, looking like a small-time retired Jewish businessman. This is HYMAN ROTH.
Sit down, this is almost over. You follow the baseball games?
Not for a few years.
I like sporting events -- I really enjoy watching them in the afternoon.
One of the things I love about this country. I loved baseball ever since Arnold Rothstein fixed the World Series of 1919...I heard you had some trouble.
What a mistake; people behaving like that, with guns.
(he shakes his head) It was my understanding we left all that behind. But, let me tell you, the important thing is that you're all right. Good health is the most important thing; more than success; more than power; more than money.
The incident of the other night is a nuisance that I can take care of.
I came to you because I want nothing to affect our agreement; I wanted to clear everything I'm going to do with you, just in case.