国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script


England's Prince Albert (Colin Firth) must ascend the throne as King George VI, but he has a speech impediment. Knowing that the country needs her husband to be able to communicate effectively, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) hires Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), an Australian actor and speech therapist, to help him overcome his stammer. An extraordinary friendship develops between the two men, as Logue uses unconventional means to teach the monarch how to speak with confidence.

Queen Mary curtsies in homage to the new King, taking her eldest son's hand and kissing it. When she looks up...her eyes are chilling.
QUEEN MARY: Long live the King.
TKS/Seidler/09/17/08 34.
35 INT. BERTIE'S STUDY - NIGHT 35 Bertie, in despair and grief, has been describing to Elizabeth what happened.
The look in mother's eyes, it was...ghastly.
He notices something on his desk, the record Logue made.
the label - His Master's Voice - stares up at him.
He releases his emotions in an outburst of anger.
BERTIE (CONT'D) What's this bloody thing doing here?!
ELIZABETH: Bertie...
The man was a total fraud!
He picks up the record and is about to smash it against the edge of his desk, then realizes the mess that would make and tosses it into a waste paper basket. Then changes his mind.
BERTIE (CONT'D) Would you like to hear?
ELIZABETH: Not particularly.
Well I think you should. You should know what goes on. Telling me he could help me read flawlessly. Lying bastard! Listen to this babble!
Bertie takes the record from the trash and walks to a Victrola stand, lifts the arm, places the steel needle, expecting to hear his stuttering voice. Instead, what he hears is flawless and
BERTIE'S RECORDED VOICE "To be, or not to be, - that is the
- Whether `tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?" (the needle sticks) (MORE) TKS/Seidler/09/17/08 35.
BERTIE'S RECORDED VOICE (CONT'D) "...sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? And by opposing end them? And by opposing..." Bertie lifts the needle. He and his wife stare at each other; there are tears in her eyes.
The ROAR OF A HUGE delirious crowd is heard, growing in volume.
The roar becomes chillingly recognizable: "Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!
Zeig Heil!" GO TO BLACK: Hitler, giving one of his mass rally speeches, continues.
The brass numbers 10 appears on the blackness. It is: 36 EXT. 10 DOWNING STREET - NEW NIGHT 36 The black front door of the Prime Minister's residence. The Fuhrer's tirade continues as CAMERA moves through the door into 10 Downing Street itself.
37 INT. 10 DOWNING STREET - CONTINUOUS 37 CAMERA explores the dwelling, during which Hitler grows louder and more shrill, until: 38 INT. BALDWIN'S STUDY - CONTINUOUS 38 The glowing light of an illuminated dial of a radio, listened to by Churchill and Baldwin. They wear black armbands.
WINSTON CHURCHILL Turn that devil off!