国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script


England's Prince Albert (Colin Firth) must ascend the throne as King George VI, but he has a speech impediment. Knowing that the country needs her husband to be able to communicate effectively, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) hires Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), an Australian actor and speech therapist, to help him overcome his stammer. An extraordinary friendship develops between the two men, as Logue uses unconventional means to teach the monarch how to speak with confidence.

David and Wallis visiting the Fuhrer in Germany: Hitler gallantly kissing Mrs Simpson's hand while Goring and the Duke of Windsor beam; David giving the Nazi salute. FREEZE FRAME.
The lights come on. For once, Churchill is speechless.
COSMO LANG (CONT'D) There's no doubt: David is planning a comeback. And will succeed if our King continues to falter. Though Bertie miraculously survived the Coronation he continues to stumble very badly indeed.
Soon he must broadcast to the world. Hitler will be listening. David will be listening.
Stalin and Roosevelt will be listening.
Everyone will be listening. God help us.
BERTIE (V.O.) (stuttering very badly) "In this grave hour... " 86 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - NEW DAY 86 Bertie and Logue are rehearsing.
"In this grave hour... " Sorry.
Try again.
"In this grave hour... "
Turn the halts into pauses, during which you say to yourself, "God save the King".
I say that all the time, but apparently no one's listening.
Use the silence. Long pauses add solemnity to great occasions.
Then I'm the solemnest king who ever lived.
Lionel, I can't do this!
TKS/Seidler/09/17/08 106.
Logue tries to protest, Bertie over-rides.
BERTIE (CONT'D) If I am to be King...where is my power? May I form a Government on my own, appoint or dismiss a Prime Minister, chose an Ambassador, levy a tax or declare a war?
None of these things. Yet I am the seat of all authority. Why? Because the Nation believes when I speak, I speak for them.
Yet I cannot speak!
Logue totally ignores the outburst.
Take it from the top. "In this grave hour..."
(hesitates, then) "In this grave hour, p-p-perhaps..."
Go on...
The letter`P' is always difficult.