国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script


England's Prince Albert (Colin Firth) must ascend the throne as King George VI, but he has a speech impediment. Knowing that the country needs her husband to be able to communicate effectively, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) hires Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), an Australian actor and speech therapist, to help him overcome his stammer. An extraordinary friendship develops between the two men, as Logue uses unconventional means to teach the monarch how to speak with confidence.

I d-d-don't thu-thu-think I c-c-can.
In the presence of his father, Bertie's stuttering returns in full form, his breathing short and shallow, the muscles in spasms.
KING GEORGE V: Show who's in command. If you don't, this devilish device will change everything.
Used to be, all a King had to do was look reasonable in uniform and not fall off his horse. Now we must creep cap in hand into people's homes that smell of boiled cabbage, and speak nicely to them. We're reduced to that lowest, basest of all creatures...we've become...actors! Don't give me a look of defeated pathos. This is a family crisis!
Father, we're not a family, we're a firm.
His father shoots Bertie a surprised look. Does the lad have a brain after all?
KING GEORGE V: We're the oldest, most successful, corporation in the world and sitting on thrones is our business! But any moment now we may be out of work. Your brother came to me the other day, livid a certain lady has been refused an invitation to my Silver Jubilee. I pointed out she wasn't a lady and most definitely wasn't his wife.
What did David say?
KING GEORGE V: She made him sublimely happy. I said: that was probably because she was sleeping with him. "I give you my word we've never had immoral relations." "As my son, as Prince of Wales, as my heir, do you solemnly swear your friendship with this woman is an absolutely clean one?" "I do", he said.
"Look me in the eye," I said. "On my honour" he said. Stared straight at his father... and lied.
Oh my brother... TKS/Seidler/09/17/08 16.
KING GEORGE V: When I'm dead that boy will ruin himself, this family, and this nation, within twelve months. Who'll pick up the pieces? David's friend, Oswald Mosley? His black-shirt British Union of Fascists are marching through London. Hitler terrorizing half of Europe, Stalin the other half. Who'll stand between us, the jackboots, and the proletarian abyss? You?
A red light attached to the mike begins a series of warning blinks.
What're you going to say?
KING GEORGE V: The usual guff. The Archbishop writes it.
My people love to hear me say it. Spoken fluently, of course.
They're interrupted by the entrance of the BBC News Reader and Technicians.
KING GEORGE V (CONT'D) That's the chap who taught me how to use this contraption. You touch your chin with your thumb and the `thing' with the end of your little finger. Splendid fellow.
SQUISH. Assisted by the Technicians, the News Reader sprays his throat.
BBC NEWS READER: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is the BBC, broadcasting direct from Buckingham Palace upon the occasion of the Royal Silver Jubilee. His Majesty: King George the Fifth.
KING GEORGE V: (to the mike) "I can only say to you, my very very dear people, that the Queen and I thank you from the depths of our hearts for all the loyalty and - may I say so? - the love with which this day and always you have surrounded us. I dedicate myself anew to your service for all the years that may still be given to me." The News Reader, terribly moved, whispers to his Technicians: TKS/Seidler/09/17/08 17.
BBC NEWS READER: That's how a King speaks.
(adds with splendid false modesty) I showed HM how to do it.
18 EXT. BUCKINGHAM PALACE - NIGHT 18 The edge of the crowd is visible. One can sense a vast sea of humanity. When the glass doors of the upper balcony open the murmur becomes a ROAR. When the King steps out, it becomes tumultuous.
19 EXT. BALCONY, BUCKINGHAM PALACE - CONTINUOUS 19 The King is joined by Queen Mary and the Archbishop of Canterbury, other Royals, and dignitaries. The noise is deafening. The King beckons impatiently for someone still inside to join them. It's Bertie, with Elizabeth.