侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script


当年在努布拉岛营建侏罗纪公园时,约翰•哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)曾把附近的索纳岛作为恐龙的制造工场。侏罗纪公园沦陷后,索纳岛上的恐龙在完全隔绝且缺少必要合成元素的情况下生存了4年时间。哈蒙德对此颇感好奇,他重新找到马科姆博士(杰夫•高布伦 Jeff Goldblum 饰),邀请他前往小岛考察。4年前经历让马科姆心有余悸,他断然拒绝哈蒙德的提议,但当得知女友莎拉(朱丽安•摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)已前往小岛之时,只得跟随探险队整装出发。   在索纳岛上,另一组野蛮的探险队已经先期到达,他们抓捕恐龙将其卖到外国。利欲熏心使得这些贪婪之徒全然不顾危险,竟然打起暴龙的主意。索纳岛旋即变成恐怖的屠杀地狱

That looks fabulous.
Thank you, Geoffrey.
We'll also take a bottle of red as well.
Thank you.
Thank you, Barry.
That looks wonderful. Beautiful day.
Where are you going?
- To eat my sandwich.
- You won't be hungry for prawns.
- I don't like prawns.
- Darling, don't wander off.
For God's sake, leave her alone, Deirdre.
- Go play with your ball.
- Don't be so annoying!
Darling... what about snakes?
There aren't any snakes on the beach.
Just let her enjoy herself for once.
Hello, there.
What are you, a little bird or something?
Are you hungry? Take a bite.
It's roast beef.
It's good. Come on. I won't hurt you.
mummy! Daddy! Come see this!
I found something!