侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script


当年在努布拉岛营建侏罗纪公园时,约翰•哈蒙德(理查德•阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)曾把附近的索纳岛作为恐龙的制造工场。侏罗纪公园沦陷后,索纳岛上的恐龙在完全隔绝且缺少必要合成元素的情况下生存了4年时间。哈蒙德对此颇感好奇,他重新找到马科姆博士(杰夫•高布伦 Jeff Goldblum 饰),邀请他前往小岛考察。4年前经历让马科姆心有余悸,他断然拒绝哈蒙德的提议,但当得知女友莎拉(朱丽安•摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)已前往小岛之时,只得跟随探险队整装出发。   在索纳岛上,另一组野蛮的探险队已经先期到达,他们抓捕恐龙将其卖到外国。利欲熏心使得这些贪婪之徒全然不顾危险,竟然打起暴龙的主意。索纳岛旋即变成恐怖的屠杀地狱

She thinks she's Dian Fossey.
"Observation without interference", she said. You know how it is.
After you were injured in the park, she sought you out.
Then she went all the way to a hospital in Costa Rica... to ask someone she didn't know if the rumours were true.
If you want to leave your name on something, fine.
But stop putting it on other people's headstones.
She'll be fine. She's spent years studying African predators.
Sleeping downwind and all.
She knows what she's doing.
And, believe me, the research team will... It's not a research expedition anymore.
It's a rescue operation and it's leaving now.
I can't shave three days off my deadline and expect to be ready.
I'm not supplied.
I haven't tested any of this.
Why give her a satellite phone if it doesn't work?
Could be solar flares, the satellite, or maybe she turned it off.
I need half air on the tires.
We're flying pressurised.
- Does she know how to use it?
- You kidding?
She's faxed me refinements on half the plans for this stuff.
Don't do that. You have to baby it.
Love it.
- I'll love it when it works.
- It'll work when you love it.