豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven Movie Script


Director Antoine Fuqua brings his modern vision to a classic story in The Magnificent Seven. With the town of Rose Creek under the deadly control of industrialist Bartholomew Bogue, the desperate townspeople employ protection from seven outlaws, bounty hunters, gamblers and hired guns. As they prepare the town for the violent showdown that they know is coming, these seven mercenaries find themselves fighting for more than money.   故事发生在位于罗斯克里克的一座矿业小镇上,艾玛(海莉·贝内特 Haley Bennett 饰)和丈夫马修(马特·波莫 Matt Bomer 饰)在这里过着与世无争的生活,某日,镇里的恶霸鲍勃(彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard 饰)枪杀了马修,没有人敢追究他的责任,只有幸存的艾玛在心里默默的发誓,一定要让鲍勃血债血偿。   艾玛雇佣了名为山姆(丹泽尔·华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)的赏金猎手,虽然她并没有多少钱能够付给她,但艾玛不幸的遭遇唤起了山姆内心里的正义感。为了对抗鲍勃和他的自卫队,山姆集结了一帮和他一样的边缘人士,他们不是恶棍就是赌徒,有的甚至还是杀人犯,但就是这样一帮怪咖,他们决定为了捍卫小镇的和平奋勇战斗。

Don't tell Ethel about Maria.
Wait, wait, wait. My Maria, cabrn?
You have a Maria?
I have three Marias!
That's not right.
The owl followed me here.
- Nothing's following you.
- I heard the voice.
- Goody... - I heard the voice.
- Goody.
- Billy, I heard it.
I pull that trigger in violence again, I'm gonna die a ghastly death, Billy.
I heard it.
- Same thing, it's not the same thing.
- Yeah, it is.
No, a woman's a woman, a gun's a gun, in the Lord's eye.
They're just dreams, Goody.
You talk about guns, you talk about women, you talk about 'em separately.
It ain't right.
Sure it is. Sure it is, my friend.
I had a wife once.
Had a family. Had some children, too.
One time.
Now the stitching'll outlast you, I imagine.
That's... That's very nice of you.