铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script


故事发生在1660年的法国,国王路易(理查德·查伯兰 Richard Chamberlain 饰)整日沉湎于酒色之中,无心朝政,使臣民们生活在水深火热之中。路易有一个孪生弟弟名为菲利普(理查德·查伯兰 Richard Chamberlain 饰),史书中记载的菲利普刚刚出生便已夭折,可实际上,他被偷偷送往阿尔卑斯山的一个庄园中,隐姓埋名,生长在此。   国王的昏庸让内务大臣科贝尔(拉尔夫·理查德森 Ralph Richardson 饰)和火枪手队长达达尼昂(路易斯·乔丹 Louis Jourdan 饰)感到大为不满,他们决定找到菲利普,扶持他推翻哥哥的统治,登上王位。贪婪的财政大臣富凯(帕特里克·麦高汉 Patrick McGoohan 饰)早先一步找到了菲利普,他和国王一起设计,给菲利普带上铁面,投入了深牢之中。 Paris is starving, but the King of France is more interested in money and bedding women. When a young soldier dies for the sake of a shag, Aramis, Athos and Porthos band together with a plan to replace the king. Unknown to many, there is a 2nd king, a twin, hidden at birth, then imprisoned for 6 years behind an iron mask. All that remains now is D'Artagnan, will he stand against his long time friends, or do what is best for his country?

Or... or when we're leaving? I could ask her in the carriage -- but it is more romantic at the palace.
I get so confused...
Perhaps this will help.
He hands Raoul the simple gold ring he took from the box.
Mother's ring. I can't take this.
She died giving you to me. And I want to die knowing it is one the finger of the women my son loves.
They embrace. Athos' eyes mist, but he smiles.
Now go, and bring back your fiance.
ESTABLISHING - THE ROYAL PALACE - DAY The Palace glows golden in the Parisian sunshine. Carriages deposit guests for the lavish party in the royal gardens.
EXT. THE ROYAL PALACE - GARDENS - DAY Attractive young adults strut about in the extravagant attire of Louis XIV's France, the men like peacocks, the ladies in gowns that seem to squeeze their entire bodies up into their bosoms. They laugh and smile and strike courtly poses pretending to talk with each other -- but all eyes are on the doorway, through which the king is about to come... JUST BEYOND THAT PALACE DOORWAY KING LOUIS the Fourteenth is having his wardrobe adjusted by a flock of tailors. He is twenty-two, and would be quite handsome, except for the total self-absorption. He's checking himself in a full length golden mirror as two of his advisors, PIERRE and CLAUDE, try to speak with him.
Your Majesty, I know it is a... a festive time, but before -- KING LOUIS: The blue sash. No, the burgundy!
... before the party begins -- KING LOUIS: The party has already begun -- so why are you delaying me?
We do not wish to delay you, Majesty, but... as your advisors, we feel it is our -- our --
... our duty.
Yes! It is our duty to let you know... there are riots in Paris.
Riots? My people live in the world's most beautiful city, their king has the grandest palaces on earth. Why should they feel anything but pride and contentment?
Well yes, of course, Majesty, and I'm sure they are content... except that... well, they are starving.
Sometimes the poor do grow hungry.
But why would they riot about it?
As he says this, a replica of the Matterhorn made of fruits and meringues is carried past the window by a team of chefs.
Majesty... We have more than enough food set aside for your birthday celebration next week. If we distributed some of that, we would have time to gather more before --
Aramis! I have been expecting you!
(to the tailors) We are satisfied, that will do.
The tailors and advisors withdraw as Aramis -- still in his simple priest's robe -- strides forward and bows to the kind.
Your birthday celebration, your Majesty?