火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script


《火星一代人》结合纪录片采访手法和剧情片的结构,讲述了人类自把火星作为最理想的探索星球以后,NASA美国航天局组织太空夏令营,其中的青少年们如何钻研和探索火星秘密的故事。据介绍,影片的核心围绕着一群青少年炽热的梦想和乐观精神展开。 Aspiring teenage astronauts reveal that a journey to Mars is closer than you think.

We are good to unbuckle.
I'm floating around in the most peculiar way.
Early this morning, the Space Launch System launched from Cape Canaveral, carrying along with it the Orion capsule and six brave Americans on their way to go boldly where no man has ever gone before.
Let's do this!
[Kluger] Exploration is absolutely embedded in our DNA.
If we are on this hill, we want to know what's on the next hill.
We cannot help ourselves.
There's no reason for us not to surrender to that impulse.
[Ferdowsi] The first steps on Mars won't just be a national moment of pride, but really a worldwide moment of pride, and ultimately, I think, kicks off this sense of exploration on the right foot, of one that is as an entirely global experience.
[deGrasse Tyson] I have good evidence that space matters to the hearts and minds of people.
There's something special, I think, about the night sky and about the universe that lives within us.
[Nye] There are two questions that get everybody.
The first one is: where did we come from?
Where did we all come from?
How did we get here?
And the other question is: are we alone in the universe?
If we were to discover evidence of life, or stranger still, something alive on Mars today, it would change the course of human history in the same way astronomy has humbled us in the past.
The Earth is not flat.
We are not the center of it.
The Sun's the center of it.
Wait! The Sun's not the center of it.
We're just one more sun in this galactic disc.
And we're not the only galaxy!
We're not by any means!
We're just these specks on a speck orbiting specks in specklessness.