火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script


《火星一代人》结合纪录片采访手法和剧情片的结构,讲述了人类自把火星作为最理想的探索星球以后,NASA美国航天局组织太空夏令营,其中的青少年们如何钻研和探索火星秘密的故事。据介绍,影片的核心围绕着一群青少年炽热的梦想和乐观精神展开。 Aspiring teenage astronauts reveal that a journey to Mars is closer than you think.

[Jacobsen] The plan to go to Mars was complicated in the '60s because the way von Braun saw it, this was gonna be a symbol of the future.
But the way the public interpreted it was entirely different.
Now, of course, there are many other things competing for public interest.
There is an election coming up, and there is a war going on in Vietnam, and there are problems in the cities.
And quite a few people seem to believe that we are taking money away from the public purse.
We prefer to see our space program in a somewhat different light.
We believe that we are actually producing values, and we are producing values at a faster rate than we are taking money out of the treasury.
[Kluger] Nixon had a choice to continue the program to go on to Mars.
The infrastructure for planetary exploration was in place.
The NASA personnel infrastructure that had gotten us to the Moon was prepared to get us to Mars.
Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States!
[applause] [Nye] I gotta tell you, everybody, this longing for the Apollo era is not well advised.
It's not coming back.
We're operating now not under the Kennedy doctrine, but under the Nixon doctrine.
In reaching the Moon, we demonstrated what miracles American technology is capable of achieving.
And now the time has come to move more deliberately toward making full use of that technology here on Earth.
[applause] [Nye] President Nixon and his advisors felt that U.S. public interest in space exploration had waned.
It was a very expensive undertaking.
Let's do something else.
[theme tune plays] [newscaster] Sunday, April 12, 1981.
Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
The Space Shuttle.
Fourteen stories high, 2,000 tons, poised on the pad for its maiden flight.
[Kluger] Nixon's goal was to contract America's space footprint.
To make getting to and from orbit routine, affordable, and ultimately profitable.