火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script


载人航天宇宙飞船阿瑞斯3号成功抵达火星,谁知一场破坏力极其巨大的风暴向宇航员们袭来,阿瑞斯3号被迫中断任务,紧急返航。撤离途中,宇航员马克·沃特尼(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)被飞船上吹落的零件击中,由于生还希望渺茫,队友们只得匆匆返航,并向世人宣告他已牺牲的事实。出乎意料的是,马克以极低的概率活了下来。他躲进驻火星的航天基地疗伤。下一次火星任务要等到四年后,而基地内的补给仅够他维持31天。短暂的绝望后,马克决定利用有限的食物,在这颗空无一人的星球上种植作物,寻找一线生机。与此同时,地球方面也很快发现马克生还的事实,他们想尽办法部署营救计划。孤军奋战的马克,能否等到救援队伍的到来?

He didn't load up the oxygenator or the water reclaimer?
Every 41 hours, there's a 17-minute gap.
It's just the way the orbits work... so it's possible that we missed something.
I want that gap down to four minutes.
I'm giving you total authority over satellite trajectories and orbital adjustments.
Make it happen.
Let's assume Miss Park didn't miss anything.
So Mark's not going to Ares 4. Yet.
But he's smart enough to figure out that's his only chance.
Bruce, what's the earliest we can get a pre-supply there?
With the positions of Earth and Mars, it'll take nine months.
It'll take six months to build it in the first place.
Three months.
You're going to say it's impossible and then I'm gonna make a speech... about the blinding capabilities of the JPL team... and then you're going to do the math in your head and say something like... "The overtime alone will be a nightmare."
The overtime alone will be a nightmare.
Get started.
I'll find you the money.
We need to tell the crew.
Mitch, we've discussed this.
No, you discussed this.
I'm the one who decides what's best for the crew.
They deserve to know.
Once there's a real rescue plan, we'll tell them.