钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script


史标曼(艾德里安•布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)是波兰一家电台的钢琴师。 二战即将爆发之时,他们全家被迫被赶进华沙的犹太区。 在战争的颠沛流离中,家人和亲戚最终被纳粹杀害,而史标曼本人也受尽种种羞辱和折磨,他侥幸得到一位朋友的帮助,暂时有了藏身之处。 战争愈加猛烈,朋友不得不抛下他回老家寻得安全的住所养育儿女。 此时史标曼恶病缠身,却还要在搜捕中逃亡。 在废墟的阁楼上他遇见了一名德国军官,在军官的要求下他弹奏了钢琴曲。 美妙的琴声令德国军官萌发了恻隐之心,他暗暗帮助史标曼直到苏军对波兰的解放到来…… 影片根据波兰钢琴家瓦拉迪斯罗•斯皮曼 (Wladyslaw Szpilman)的自传体小说《死亡城市》改编。

Twenty zlotys.
(turning to the family) Have we got twenty between us?
They search their pockets and handbags, hand over to Father what change they can find. He, in turn, hands the money to the Sweet Boy, who hands over one caramel and goes on his way.
Father holds the caramel between thumb and forefinger and examines it carefully. Then, carefully takes out his penknife and with great care divides the caramel into six pans. He hands a part to each of the family.
They all exchange a look, an acknowledgement of each other, almost like a toast, and then they chew, slowly, deliberately.
The whistle of a locomotive. Sound of trucks rattling over the rails.
At once, a sound of great agitation from the Jews in the compound.
EXT. RAILWAY SIDING - DAY The locomotive pulling cattle and goods trucks comes into sight, rolling slowly towards the boundary of the Umschlagplatz and coming to a halt.
EXT. RAILWAY SIDING - DAY A cordon of Jewish policeman and SS guards. Among the great throng of people, the Szpilmans trudge towards the train.
Szpilman and Halina walking.
Funny time to say this.
wish I knew you better.
(a smile) Thanks.
The Szpilmans near the train. The first trucks are already full, the people inside pressed close together, SS men pushing them with their rifle butts.
People in the trucks cry out in desperation.
The Szpilmans are pushed along by SS men along the cordon of Jewish policemen, past loaded trucks.
Then, suddenly:
Szpilman! Szpilman!
A Jewish policeman grabs Szpilman by his collar and pulls him back out of the police cordon. It's Heller. The rest of the family have reached the next truck to be filled.
A scuffle as Szpilman tries to resist. Another Jewish policeman shoves him.
Szpilman stumbles, falls to the ground, in front of him the closed ranks of the Jewish policemen's backs.
He stands, runs at the cordon, seeing between their heads, shoulders, Mother, Regina, Henryk and Halina clambering into the trucks. Father is looking around, bewildered.