The Princess Bride Movie Script


故事从慈祥的爷爷给生病的孙子讲故事说起,爷爷带来一本厚厚的童话故事书《公主新娘》。这个世代相传的童话故事讲述了一段爱与冒险的真爱故事。善良美丽的少女布卡特(罗宾·怀特 Robin Wright 饰)住在宁静的小村庄弗洛林,她与少年维斯特雷(加利·艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes 饰)青梅竹马两小无猜,两人很快陷入热恋。然而贫穷的维斯特雷希望给布卡特更好的生活,于是扬帆远航离开了村庄。但是维斯特雷的船并没有到达目的地,传言说他死在了海盗的手里。五年后,伤心欲绝的布卡特成为了王子胡姆普丁克(克里斯·萨兰登 Chris Sarandon饰)的未婚妻,可她并不爱他,她的心里仍苦苦思念着真爱维斯特雷。一次意外让布卡特再次遇见了维斯特雷,然而邪恶的王子却绑架了布卡特,并逼迫她嫁给自己。此时的维斯特雷已是一位勇敢强壮的海盗,为救真爱,他与武艺超群的剑客埃尼戈·蒙托亚(曼迪·帕廷金 Mandy Patinkin饰)、力大无比的巨人菲兹克(安德烈·捷安特 André the Giant饰)一起踏上了拯救公主之路。 A fairy tale adventure about a beautiful young woman and her one true love. He must find her after a long separation and save her. They must battle the evils of the mythical kingdom of Florin to be reunited with each other. Based on the William Goldman novel "The Princess Bride" which earned its own loyal audience.

It's not my fault being the biggest and the strongest. I don't even exercise.
He flips the rock away.
THE MOUNTAIN PATH AND THE TWO MEN The Man In Black is not now and has never been a shrimp. But it's like he wasn't even there, FEZZIK towers over him so much.
There is a moment's pause, and then the Man In Black dives at FEZZIK's chest, slams him several tremendous blows in the stomach, twists his arm severely, slips skillfully into a beautifully applied bear hug, and in general makes any number of terrific wrestling moves.
FEZZIK just stands there, kind of taking in the scenery.
Finally the Man In Black pushes himself away, stares up at the Giant.
MAN IN BLACK: Look are you just fiddling around with me or what?
I just want you to feel you're doing well. I hate for people to die embarrassed.
They get set to begin again. Then suddenly --
as he jumps forward with stunning speed for anyone his size and reaches for the Man In Black who drops to his knees, spins loose, and slips between the Giant's legs.
You're quick.
MAN IN BLACK: And a good thing too.
(getting set for another onslaught) Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned by acid, or something like that?
MAN IN BLACK: Oh no. It's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.
FEZZIK considers this a moment, then attacks, and if he moved quickly last time, this time he is blinding and as the Man In Black slips down to avoid the charge, FEZZIK moves right with him, only instead of twisting free and jumping to his feet, this time the Man In Black jumps for FEZZIK's back and in a moment he is riding him, and his arms have FEZZIK's throat, locked across FEZZIK's windpipe, one in front, one behind. The Man In Black begins to squeeze. Tighter.
(standing, talking as he does so) I just figured out why you give me so much trouble.
as he charges toward a huge rock that lines the path, and just as he reaches it he spins his giant body so that the entire weight of the charge is taken by the Man In Black.
THE MAN IN BLACK And the power of the charge is terrible, the pain enormous, but he clings to his grip at FEZZIK's windpipe.
MAN IN BLACK: (his arms never leave Fezzik's throat) Why is that, do you think?
(his voice just beginning to get a little strained) Well, I haven't fought just one person for so long. I've been specializing in groups. Battling gangs for local charities, that kind of thing.
ANOTHER HUGE ROCK ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PATH Again FEZZIK charges, slower this time, but still a charge, and again he spins and creams the Man In Black against the rough boulder.
THE MAN IN BLACK And the punishment is terrible, and for a moment it seems as if he is going to let go of Fezzik's windpipe and crumble, but he doesn't, he holds on.
MAN IN BLACK: Why should that make such a difference?