当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness Movie Script


当幸福来敲门/寻找快乐的故事(港) / 追求快乐 / 幸福追击 克里斯•加纳(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)用尽全部积蓄买下了高科技治疗仪,到处向医院推销,可是价格高昂,接受的人不多。就算他多努力都无法提供一个良好的生活环境给妻儿,妻子(桑迪·牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)最终选择离开家。从此他带着儿子克里斯托夫(贾登·史密斯 Jaden Smith 饰)相依为命。克里斯好不容易争取回来一个股票投资公司实习的机会,就算没有报酬,成功机会只有百分之五,他仍努力奋斗,儿子是他的力量。他看尽白眼,与儿子躲在地铁站里的公共厕所里,住在教堂的收容所里…… 他坚信,幸福明天就会来临。

All right, just relax.
Now, come here.
Calm down.
I have to go back to work.
Let's get ready for bed.
Hey, uh, put your plate in the sink.
A few days ago I was presented with a report I'd asked for.
A comprehensive audit, if you will, of our economic condition.
You won't like it.
I didn't like it.
But we have to face the truth and then go to work to turn things around.
And make no mistake about it... we can turn them around.
The federal budget is out of control.
And we face runaway deficits of almost $80 billion for this budget year that ends September 30th.
That deficit is larger than the entire federal budget in 1957.
And so is the almost $80 billion we will pay in interest this year on the national debt.
Twenty years ago, in 1960, our federal government payroll was less than $13 billion.
Today it is 75 billion.
During these 20 years, our population has only increased by 23.3 percent... Woo! Man.
I got two questions for you: What do you do?
And how do you do it?
I'm a stockbroker.
Oh, goodness.