The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script


Synopsis: The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural horror-thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist (Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. The film established Shyamalan as a writer and director, and introduced the cinema public to his traits, most notably his affinity for surprise endings. Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller Actors: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Olivia Williams Production: Hollywood/Buena Vista Nominated for 6 Oscars. Another 32 wins & 48 nominations. IMDB: 8.1 Metacritic: 64 Rotten Tomatoes: 85%

I don't want to talk about anything. Cole lowers his head. Malcolm just sits and thinks. THE SOUND OF BOYS PLAYING SPORTS ON THE FIELD OUTSIDE FILTER IN THROUGH THE LIBRARY WINDOWS. Cole turns his head and stares at the windows. Malcolm takes in the sad vision of this boy. It affects him. Beat.
Do you like magic? Cole's face softens a bit. He turns from the windows and looks to Malcolm. Beat. Cole nods, "Yes." Malcolm pulls out a penny from his pocket. He places it in his right hand.
Watch the penny closely. Malcolm closes his hand around the penny.
I do the magic shake... Malcolm shakes his hand in circles. Cole watches his hand carefully.
And suddenly the penny has magically traveled to my left hand... Cole looks to Malcolm's closed left hand. Malcolm doesn't open it.
But that's not the end of the trick. With another magic shake, the penny travels into my shirt pocket... Cole's eyes lock on Malcolm's shirt. Malcolm taps the pocket but doesn't open it.
But that's still not the end!... I do a final magic shake... and suddenly... The penny returns to the hand where it started from. Malcolm opens his right hand. The penny sits quietly in the center of his palm. Cole looks at the penny and then up to Malcolm's face. Beat. Cole cracks a smile.
That isn't magic.
You just kept the penny in that hand the whole time...
Who me? Malcolm smiles a mischievous smile. He places the penny on the table. Cole stares at it and then looks to Malcolm.
I didn't know you were funny.
I forgot myself. Malcolm and Cole share a warm look. THE SOUNDS OF KIDS LAUGHING AND PLAYING OUT ON THE FIELD COME POURING INTO THE ROOM AGAIN. Cole's expression changes back to sadness as he looks to the windows. Malcolm leans across the table and whispers.
Cole... Cole looks at Malcolm.
One day... (beat) You're going to sound just like them. Beat. Cole's chin starts to tremble. His voice cracks.
(whispers) Promise? Beat.
(whispers) Promise. Malcolm and Cole sit in silence and listen to THE SOUND OF CHILDREN PLAYING.

INT. HALLWAY - EVENING Malcolm sorts through the many bills on the mail table. WOMAN (o.s.) Malcolm, sit your cute butt down and listen up. (beat) Are you listening? Malcolm turns AT THE SOUND OF THE WOMAN, and moves into the empty living room where the T.V. is on. A blanket lays crumpled on the sofa.THE WOMAN'S VOICE IS COMING FROM A VIDEO PLAYING ON THE VCR. IT'S A WEDDING VIDEO. A LARGE WOMAN IN A BRIDESMAID DRESS STANDS HOLDING THE MICROPHONE. IN THE BACKGROUND, WE CAN SEE THE DANCE FLOOR.
(T.V.) No doubt about it. Anna's like my sister. You better make her happy... And I'm not talking about -- mmm this tastes like real butter -- kind of happy... I'm talking about Julie Andrews twirling around like a mental patient on a mountain top -- kind of happy. THE LARGE BRIDESMAID BECOMES VERY EMOTIONAL.
(T.V.) You're really lucky. She's got so much love for you. Don't tell her I told you, but she said she loved you from the first time she met you on the street. She'd do anything for you. (crying) I love you guys. (more crying) My nose is running. Why isn't someone getting me a tissue? THE WOMAN HANDS THE MICROPHONE TO SOMEONE OFF SCREEN. THE CAMERA PANS AWAY FROM HER AND ZOOMS IN ON THE DANCE FLOOR. MALCOLM AND ANNA ARE SLOW DANCING. THEY'RE WHISPERING AND LAUGHING WITH EACH OTHER. THE HAPPINESS FROM THEM IS TANGIBLE. Malcolm can't help smiling as he stares at the flickering images. He turns and looks down the hall to their bedroom.

INT. BEDROOM - EVENING Malcolm moves into their bedroom. THE SOUND OF A SHOWER CAN BE HEARD FROM THE BATHROOM. Malcolm moves to the bathroom door and opens it slowly.

INT. BATHROOM - EVENING Malcolm steps into the bathroom quietly. He stares at the silhouette of Anna's body through the smoked glass of the shower. Anna stands still, her head tilted back. Malcolm watches quietly. By his experience, it's clear he's taken by his wife's beauty. Malcolm starts towards the shower when his eyes glance to the sink. Malcolm locks on a tiny bottle resting on the marble surface.He reaches out and picks it up. The label on the plastic bottle reads, "Zoloft Anti-depressant" "To be taken twice daily" Malcolm gently puts down the plastic bottle. He gazes at the still figure of his wife as the water covers her. Malcolm leaves the bathroom. He makes sure not to make a noise with the door as he closes it shut.

EXT. DARREN'S HOUSE - DAY Colorful balloons flutter in the wind in front of an old grey stone home. INT. DINING ROOM - DAY Cole and an overweight boy named BOBBY are seated at a dining table covered in colorful paper. A stack of birthday presents are sitting on the table next to a cake. The house is filled with the SOUND OF CHILDREN PLAYING AND LAUGHING. Cole and the overweight boy are the only ones in the dining room. Bobby watches with a dull expression as Cole moves his hand in circles in the air.
...Then you do the magic shake. And now the penny moves from my pocket all the way to the hand it started in. Cole smiles and holds out his hand. His fingers open to reveal the penny. Bobby stares.
That's stupid. Cole loses his smile.