The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于24 Jun 09:48

Synopsis: The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural horror-thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist (Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. The film established Shyamalan as a writer and director, and introduced the cinema public to his traits, most notably his affinity for surprise endings. Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller Actors: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Olivia Williams Production: Hollywood/Buena Vista Nominated for 6 Oscars. Another 32 wins & 48 nominations. IMDB: 8.1 Metacritic: 64 Rotten Tomatoes: 85%

Bulb's out. Anna giggles some more as Malcolm's shadow stumbles across the bedroom. MALCOLM TURNS ON THE BATHROOM LIGHT.A SHAFT OF LIGHT falls on Anna as she stands in the corner of the room. Anna smiles playfully and pulls off her sweater. She sways to a pretend striptease song. Malcolm can't hold back his grin. He joins in -- slowly peeling off the sweat-shirt. He looks back to Anna. She's stopped her playful dance. She's facing away from him. He walks towards her. HIS GRIN QUIETLY DISAPPEARS. Malcolm's face turns to rock as his attention is drawn to the SHATTERED WINDOW in their bedroom. The wind moves through the room. A lamp lays broken on the ground by the window. Malcolm kneels down. Beat. Anna's eyes fill with a quiet awareness.
He's still in the house. A SHADOW FROM THE BATHROOM FLATS OVER BOTH OF THEM. ANNA SCREAMS. Malcolm spins around. His heart stops. Malcolm and Anna stare at the bathroom doorwary. They know someone is inside. Beat. Malcolm slowly starts towards the door. The first thing that comes into view are the clothes on the bathroom floor. Then the figure of a man comes into view. A STRANGER stands bare chested in the back of the bathroom. NO ONE MAKES A SOUND. The STRANGER is about nineteen. Drugged out. Pitch black eyes bulging. His body is covered in scars and bruises. His hands are folded in front of him. He shakes ever so slightly. He has a patch of white in his hair. Malcolm speaks in a very calm voice. Never takes his eyes off the stranger.
Anna, don't move. Don't say a word. Anna barely nods her understanding.
(to the stranger) This is forty-seven Locust Street. You have broken a window and entered a private residence. Do you understand what I'm saying? The stranger slowly looks up for the first time. His eyes lock on Malcolm.
You don't know so many things.Beat.
There are no needles or prescription drugs of any kind in this house. The stranger suddenly comes forward into the doorway. Malcolm stumbles back onto the edge of the bed. Anna sees the stranger for the first time. Her face drains of color. The stranger looks at Malcolm. He half grins.
Are you drunk? The stranger's stare slides to Anna.
Did you get him drunk? The stranger gazes at Anna. Gazes directly into her eyes. A penetrating, unwavering stare.
Do you know why you're scared when you're alone? Anna's expression instanly changes.
What do you want? I don't understand what you want. The stranger turns and glares at Malcolm.
What you promised. Malcolm stops all movement.
--My God.
--Do I know you?
Let's all celebrate, Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Recipient of awards from the Mayor on the news. Dr. Malcolm Crowe, he's helped so many children... And he doesn't even remember my name? Malcolm can't speak. Beat. The stranger's face starts to tremble.
I was ten when you worked with me. Beat. Malcolm's intelligent eyes race for answers.
Downtown clinic? Single parent family? (beat) I had a possible mood disorder... (beat) I had no friends... you said I was socially isolated. (beat) I was afraid -- you called it acute anxiety... (beat) You were wrong. (beat) Come on, clear your head... Male, nine... Single parent... Mood discorder... Acute anxiety. Malcolm looks like someone hit him with a sledgehammer.
I'm nineteen. I have drugs in my system twenty-four hours a day... I still have no friends. I still have no peace. I'm still afraid.Tears jump into the stranger's eyes.
...I'm still afraid. Malcolm stands.
Please give me a second to think. Malcolm's shaking hands touch his mouth as he stares at the stranger. Beat.
Bed Freidken?
Some people call me freak.
...Ronald... Ronald Sumner? Tears fall down the stranger's face.
I am a freak. Malcolm looks up at the sound of those words. Something clicks in his head.