The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script


Synopsis: The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural horror-thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist (Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. The film established Shyamalan as a writer and director, and introduced the cinema public to his traits, most notably his affinity for surprise endings. Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller Actors: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Olivia Williams Production: Hollywood/Buena Vista Nominated for 6 Oscars. Another 32 wins & 48 nominations. IMDB: 8.1 Metacritic: 64 Rotten Tomatoes: 85%

Vincent Gray? VINCENT GRAY stares with surprise through his tears. Malcolm lets out a deep breath like he just emerged from deep waters.
I do remember you, Vincent. You were a good kid. Very smart... Quiet... Compassionate... Unusually compassionate... Vincent's eyes burn at Malcolm.
You forgot cursed. VINCENT is fully crying now.
You failed me.
(whispers) Vincent... I'm sorry I didn't help you... I can try to help you now. Vincent turns to the sink. His hand goes in. He turns arund and raises a gun at Malcolm. He FIRES. A VIOLENT, EAR-SHATTERING ECHO. Malcolm clutches his stomach and folds like a rag doll onto the bed. Vincent instantly moves the gun to his own head. ANOTHER HORRIFIC BLAST SPIKES THE AIR. Vincent crumples onto the bathroom floor. ANNA'S CHILLING SCREAMS FILL THEIR HOME.

EXT. BENCH - AFTERNOON The legend, "Two Years Later" appears. A man flips open a worn file folder on his lap. Handwritten notes fill every line. At the top of the first page reads, "Vincent Gray, age 10, Referred January 19, 1989." The man's hand touches the name almost reverently.He glances through the page. Words and phrases are circled throughout the file. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The man's hands flip the page. At the top of this new page reads, "Cole Sear, age 8, Referred September 1998." As the man's fingers move through the notes we again see words and phrases circled throughout this new case history. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The hands close the notepad. The hands are slightly shaking now. WE PULL BACK to reveal the shaking hands belong to Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Malcolm sits on a sidewalk bench facing a row of brownstone homes across the street. He gazes blankly at the brownstones. Beat. A door opens. Malcolm is brought out of his trance. COLE SEAR steps out his front door. Cole is a munchkin of a boy with large, black eyes that seem to take in everything around him. His hair is dark, with a small patch of jet white on the side. Cole carefully locks the door behind him. He moves to the bottom of the stairs and looks around nervously. Anxiously. The eight-year-old child reaches into his pocket and slips on a pair of VERY LARGE GLASSES. They look comical on him. Malcolm rises to his feet. He smooths out his shirt. Looks down and buttons his jacket. When he looks up, Cole is gone. Malcolm barely catches a glimpse of the boy. Cole runs at full speed down the street and turns the corner. TINY SNEAKERS SCREECHING ON THE SIDEWALK.For a second, Malcolm doesn't react. The second passes. He stuffs the file in his bag and starts running too.

EXT. STREET - DAY Malcolm hauls down the sidewalk. He comes to a hard stop at a street intersection. Searches. Spots Cole running into a parking lot. COLE sprints across the empty lot and reaches the doors of a building. He has to use all his strength to push open the highly ornate doors. He slips inside. Malcolm jogs into the parking area. His pace slows to a walk and then to stillness as he gazes up at the building. Its old stone and huge towers make it stand out from the modern buildings all around it. Malcolm stares up at the historic Philadelphia church quietly. A SHOOTING PAIN PIERCES HIS SIDE. Malcolm's hand goes to it quickly. He waits for it to pass before starting for the ornate doors.

INT. CHURCH - DAY Only a few people sit and pray in the sea of oak pews. Malcolm scans the majestic room and finds what he's looking for in the last row of the church. He moves down the center aisle towards the back. Malcolm finds Cole playing in his pew with a set of green and beige plastic soldiers. Cole makes the soldiers talk to each other.
(soft) Pro... Fun... Add... The words are unintelligible. Cole senses someone. He looks up and sees Malcolm staring at him. The boy immediately goes white. Every cell of his body still with fear.
It's okay, Cole. Don't be frightened. Cole stays rigid. Hands clutching a handful of plastic riflemen.
My name is Dr. Malcolm Crowe. I was supposed to meet you today. Sorry I missed our appointment. Malcolm waits for a response. None comes.
Do you mind if I sit down? I have this injury from a couple of years ago and it flares up every once in a while just so I won't forget it.Beat. Cole slowly slides down the pew, giving Malcolm most of the seat. Malcolm sits. Cole fidgets with his soldiers. Beat. Malcolm looks over and stares at Cole's glasses. He leans forward to inspect them more carefully.
Your eye frames. They don't seem to have any lenses in them.
(soft) They're my dad's. The lenses hurt my eyes.
I knew there was a sound explanation. Malcolm returns to staring at his lap. Beat.
What was that you were saying before with your soldiers? Day pro fun.
...De profundis clamo ad te domine. Malcolm stares surprised.
It's called Latin. It's a language. Malcolm nods at the information.
All your soldiers speak Latin?
No, just one. Malcolm smiles at Cole. His eyes drift down to Cole's arms. Malcolm's smile slowly disappears. Cole's arms are covered in TINY CUTS AND BRUISES. Some almost healed. Some fresh. Malcolm looks around to gather himself. Beat.
I like churches, too. (beat) In olden times, in Europe, people used to hide in churches. Claim sanctuary. Cole looks up.
What were they hiding from?
Oh, lots of things, I suppose. Bad people for one. People who wanted to imprison them. Hurt them.
Nothing bad can happen in a church, right? Malcolm studies Cole's anxious face.
Right. Malcolm and Cole just stare at each other.