The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script


Synopsis: The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural horror-thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist (Bruce Willis) who tries to help him. The film established Shyamalan as a writer and director, and introduced the cinema public to his traits, most notably his affinity for surprise endings. Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller Actors: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Olivia Williams Production: Hollywood/Buena Vista Nominated for 6 Oscars. Another 32 wins & 48 nominations. IMDB: 8.1 Metacritic: 64 Rotten Tomatoes: 85%

I forgot your name.
Dr. Crowe.
You're a doctor. What kind?
I work with young people who might be sad or upset or just want to talk. I try to help them figure things out. Beat.
Are you a good doctor?Malcolm smiles.
I got an award once. From the Mayor.
Thank you. It was a long time ago. I've kind of been retired for a while. (beat) You're my very first client back.
You use needles?
Not even little ones that aren't supposed to hurt?
That's good. Cole pockets his soldiers and rises from his pew.
I'm going to see you again, right?
If it's okay with you? Cole thinks it over carefully.
It's okay with me. Cole and Malcolm just stare at each other.
And Cole, next time I won't be late for you.
Next time I won't be scared of you. Cole turns and starts to the rear of the church. Malcolm loses himself in his thoughts. When Malcolm looks back, he sees Cole stop by the exit doors and take a tiny STATUE OF JESUS off the back table. Cole pockets the statue and quietly leaves the church. Malcolm just sits and stares.

INT. MALCOLM'S HOME - EVENING The house is dimly lit. Malcolm has to turn on the HALLWAY LIGHT.
It's me. He stops before a pile of mail collecting on a thin table. He stares at it blankly. Almost every envelope has "Over Due" or "Final Notice" stamped on it.

INT. DINING TABLE - EVENING Malcolm stares down at the remains of a meal on the only place setting on the table.

INT. BEDROOM - EVENING Malcolm quietly walks into his bedroom. Only A READING LIGHT IS ON. THE SOFT LIGHT FALLS ON ANNA AS SHE SLEEPS. Malcolm moves to her side. The sight of her stops him. He stares at his wife... She huddles under a blanket, a wad of tissues in her hand. He takes it in silently. His eyes move to her face... One wisp of hair falls over her soft lips. OUTLINED IN THE SOFT READING LIGHT, Anna Crowe truly looks like an angel.Malcolm forms a tiny smile.

INT. HALL - NIGHT Malcolm turns and moves for a narrow door in the hallway. THE DOOR KNOB. He tries to open it. IT'S LOCKED. Malcolm reaches into his pockets. Searches for his keys.

INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT The empty basement is no longer empty. It's piled with file cabinets and boxes of psychology and medical books. A desk sits in the corner next to the wine racks. The room still feels unsettling. Malcolm hunches over one of the books. Rifles through a stack of dusty books. Pulls out a thick text. The spine of the text reads, "The Meridian Latin Dictionary." Malcolm sits back at his desk and opens Cole's file. Handwritten on the first page are the words, "De profundis calms ad te, domine" Malcolm starts working through the Latin text. As he comes to each word, he jots it down underneath the Latin. Malcolm translates the last word. He stares quietly at the paper. The new words reads... "Out of the depths, I cry to you Lord." Beat.
(whispers) ...The mass for the dead. The words seem to hang in the air forever.