社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script


《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。

I'm just gonna stand over your shoulder while you write is a check.
No sh*t.
(TO GAGE) Let's continue, DIVXA'a still staring at MARK, who just smiles a little as he looks down.
(BEAT) February 4th, 2003-
INT. COMPUTER SCIENCE LAB - DAY MARK is working at a station. We can see through the windows that it's a frigid, snowy February day in Cambridge but MARK':: in his hoodie and cargo shorts nonetheless. It looks like he hasn't slept in days.. On his monitor we can see that he's working on the profile page for theFacebook.
DUSTIN MOSKOWITZ steps up to him quietly,
(PAUSE) Mark.
MARX turns his head and looks at him... DUSTIN (CONT'D) (QUIETLY) There's a girl in the art history class that you take. Her name is Stephanie Attic, Do you happen to know if she has a boyfriend?
MARK just keeps looking at him--barely even blinking---"Why am I being interrupted?" DUSTIN (CONT'D) (BEAT) I mean, have you ever seen her with anyone?
(BEAT) And if not, do you happen to know if she's looking to go out with anyone?
(PAUSE) Dustin. People don't walk around with a sign on them that says-- And MARK stops short right there. Because in his head, he's just discovered the cure for cancer.
(PAUSE) Mark?
EXT. CO&PUTER SCIENCE BUILDING - DAY As MARK, with his backpack stuffed, comes flying out of the building and into the snow, barely keeping his balance on the ice and we
TNT. KIRKLAND HOUSE/LOBBY - MORNING The heavy door bursts open and MARK comes busting through. He makes his way with speed and intent up a flight of stairs.
Then another.
And then another until he gets to his floor. He sprints down his hall toward his dorm room and barely notices EDUARDO leaning against the door.
We were supposed to meet at 9.
MARK is searching the pockets of his shorts for his keys.
EDUARDO (CONT'D) Have you slept yet?
MARK opens the door and they go into his suite--
I have to add a feature.
What are you adding?
52, MARK's in his own world as he sits at the computer and calls up theFacebook. The home page fills the screen.