社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script


《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。

I'm just saying.
You're right.
(DONE) Okay.
He hits "Send".
MARK (CONT'D) The site's live.
(PAUSE) You know what? Let's go get a drink and celebrate.
MARK is staring at the computer... EDUARDO (CONT'D) Mark?
MARK doesn't hear him. We just see MARK's head from the back and it's ever so slightly bobbing back and forth... EDUARDO (CONT'D) (PAUSE) Mark?
(BEAT) Are you praying?
INT. CAMPUS PUB - NIGHT THE CROCODILLOS, Harvard's oldest male a Capella group, are singing at the front of the pub in their usual uniform of white tie and tails.
Incongruously, but with surprisingly nice results, the group is covering a song from The Backstreet-Boys--"I Want it That Way"--and the pub full of students is loving it.
We find a table in the back where DIVYA is sitting with some of his friends who are having a nice time. DIVYA's got his laptop open.
MALE FRIEND: When did the Crocodillos start covering the Backstreet Boys? What happened to Cole Porter and Irving Berlin?
56, FEMALE FRIEND: It's a Valentine's theme. They're singing love songs.
MALE FRIEND: Good point, 'cause Cole Porter and Irving Berlin never wrote any love songs, FEMALE FRIEND: Divya, what are you reading?
Seven different people spammed me the same link.
We see DIVYA click his mouse on the link-- FEMALE FRIEND: What is it?
(DRYL Y) I don't know, but I'm really hoping it's video of kittens that look like the Marx Brothers 'cause I can never get enough file footage on my computer of animals doing... DIVYA trails off. We Slowly PUSH IN on his face as the blood starts draining away... MALE FRIEND: (PAUSE) Div?
(beat.) I--uh...I have to go.
DIVYA shuts his laptop, grabs it off the table and starts to bolt out of the pub. His foot gets caught on a chair leg and he falls hard face-first to the floor.
He starts out again, then comes back for his coat, grabs it; starts out and falls down all over again.
Finally he's got it together and flies out of the pub and we CUT TO; INT. BOATHOUSE - NIGHT CAMERON and TYLER are rowing in a large practice tank--a simulator with a hull, oars and rowable water.
They're focused and charging away in perfect sync when the door at the end of the century-old boathouse opens and DIVYA charges In from the co:Ld with his laptop and a copy of the Crimson in his hands.