《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。
《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。
SPEAKER (CONT'D) Now the starting•of this industry was very humble indeed. The kit computer on the cover-of that magazine-- We HEAR a little muffled giggling coming from the row behind MARK and EDUARDO, MARK is too into the speech to notice but the giggling registers as a slight annoyance on EDUARDO's face. In the row behind them and a few seats over are two beautiful Asian students.--ALICE and JENNY. They're a little overly made- up for a lecture. JENNY, the one sitting closest to EDUARDO, is wearing a short skirt with a white shirt: open one button too far down the front and we can see a hint of the red bra she's wearing underneath.