社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script


《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。

(INTO PHONE) Very good.
She hangs up the phone.
SECRETARY (CONT'D) You can go in now.
She points to a door and CAMERON and TYLER get up, quickly straighten themselves, and walk into INT. SUMMERS' OFFICE - CONTINUOUS LARRY SUMMERS, a large man, is on the phone at his desk in his well-appointed office. A fire crackles in the sitting area and a 40-ish African-American woman, ANNE, in a pants suit is nearby going over some papers.
SUMMERS waves the boys in--
(INTO PHONE) That's just their own stupidity, I should have been there.
(INTO PHONE) Darkness is the absence of light and stupidity in that instance was the absence of me.
SUMMERS motions for them to sit and they do. They take in some of the photographs around the room---SUMMERS with BILL CtINTON, etc.
-SUMMERS (CONT'D) (INTO PHONE) Catherine, I have students in my office now.
(INTO PHONE) Students.
(INTO PHONE) Under. grads.
(INTO PHONE) I don't know, from the looks of it I think they want to sell me sets of identical Brooks Brothers suits. We'll speak later.
SUMMERS hangs up the phone-- SUMMERS (CONT'D) Good morning.
Good morning, s_ir. I'm Cameron Winklevoss and this is my brother, Tyler.
CAMERON is extending his hand but instead of taking it, SUMMERS reaches to the top of a pile of papers and pulls a ten- page letter off the top.
Why are you here?
There's silence while SUMMERS appears to read over the letter... SUMMERS (CONT'D) That wasn't rhetorical.
I'm sorry, I thought you were reading the letter.
I've read the letter.
Well I think it's pretty self- explanatory. We had an idea for a website called HarvardConnection--we've since changed the name to ConnectU--and Mark Zuckerberg stole that idea and--
What do you want me to do about it?
CAMERON points to a row of Harvard Student Handbooks on the bookshelf behind SUMMERS.