社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script


《社交网络》(The Social Network)根据本·麦兹里奇的小说《意外的亿万富翁:Facebook的创立,一个关于性、金钱、天才和背叛的故事》改编而成。由大卫·芬奇执导,杰西·艾森伯格、安德鲁·加菲尔德、贾斯汀·汀布莱克和艾米·汉莫等联袂出演。该片于2010年10月1日在美国上映。

Oh. Mr. Kenwright. Dad, this is Mr.
Kenwright, part of our host family this week.
Pleasure to meet you.
MR. WINKLEVOSS Good to meet you.
KENWRIGHT: I just had the most extraordinary phone chat with my daughter. She told me that she and her friends are all talking about the race, which ended just, a half-hour ago, via their computers. A new website called Facebook. Do you have this in America?
Eve.ryon= is frozen...
(PAUSE) Your daughter doesn't go to school in the U.S.?
KENWRIGHT: No no. Cambridge. Majoring in French Literature, though I wasn't aware there was such a thing.
(PAUSE) They have Facebook at Cambridge?
RENWRIGHT: And Oxford, St. Andrews, Warwick and the London School of Economics best as I can tell. because that's where her friends are.
MR. WINKLEVOSS I'm going to find your mother.
KENWRIGIT: Good race, boys. Live to fight another day.
Thank you.
The men leave and CAMERON, TYLER and DIVYA are alone. CAMERON looks at them for a moment, then turns back to watching the RACE FILM-- 128.
TYLER (CONT'D) Turn it off.
(PAUSE) Turn it off, Cam. Look at me.
CAMERON turns to his brother... TYLER (CONT'D) I don't mind that we got beat by the Dutch by less than a second. That was a fair race, that was a good race and they had the better boat today and they'll see us again. What I mind is that we got beat by Mark Zuckerberg...by less than a second.
(BEAT) We tried the Ad Board, we tried the president of the University and we tried talking to him ourselves. Now I'm asking you. For the one-hundreth time. Let's take the considerable-resources at our disposal and sue him in a federal. court.
CAMERON looks at his brother...then turns back to the computer. He watches the Dutch boat pull ahead at the last moment. TYLER and DIVYA are just about to give up when CAMERON swings back and says--
Let's f***ing gut that little nerd.
(jamming his fists in the air) Finally!
INT. PALO ALTO HOUSE - NIGHT There's a thunderstorm going on outside and rain is beating hard against the windows, DUSTIN, ANDREW-and the INTERNS are hard at work writing code. Green Day is pumping from the speakers.
SEAN is pacing the house on his cell phone while two YOUNG WOMEN--dressed to go out for a party--are at the moment each on a free computer playing each other in a game of Counter- Strike. Basically they're shooting at each other and missing and laughing their heads off, it wouldn't appear as if the house has been cleaned since the last time we saw it and in fact there are signs of more wreckage as well as futons, pillows and blankets on the floor.
(INTO PHONE) But check it out, I saw him today.
(BEAT) (MORE) 129, SEAN (CONT'D) Moritz, Michael Moritz, my Sequoia Capital---hang on.