终结者The Terminator Movie Script


The Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction action film written and directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Connor. 《终结者》(The Terminator)是一部1984年的美国科幻动作片,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧和执导。该片由阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)饰演终结者,一名机械人刺客,于2029年至1984年被送回现场,杀死了莎拉·康纳(Linda Hamilton饰),她的儿子有一天会成为世界末日后对抗机器的救世主。迈克尔·比恩(Michael Biehn)饰演凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reese),一名来自未来的士兵,被及时遣返回保护康纳。

...Lieutenant, are you aware that these two killings occurred in the same order as their listings in the phone book?
No comment.
He and Traxler enter their office and shut the door.
63 VUKOVICH'S OFFICE63 Vukovich drops his gun in the wastebasket, picks up a cup of coffee from his desk and uses it to wash down a handful of aspirins. Traxler grimaces.
That stuff's two hours cold.
(nodding ab- sently) I know.
(eyeing him) I put a cigarette out in it.
Vukovich, lost in thought, turns on him suddenly.
Did you reach the next girl yet?
No. Keep getting an answer- ing machine.
Send a unit.
I already did. No answer at the door and the apartment manager's out. I'm keeping them there.
Call her.
I just called.
Call her again.
Traxler picks up the phone and begins to dial her number as Vukovich sets down his coffee cup, unwraps a stick of gum and pops it in his mouth.
(continuing) Got a cigarette?
64 INT. SARAH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 64 CLOSE ON PHONE, connected to the answering machine. The outgoing message trigger after the second ring.
GINGER'S VOICE (machine V.O.) Hi there.
(long pause) Ha ha ha, fooled you. You're talking to a machine, but don't by shy, it's okay. Machines need love too, so talk to it and Ginger, that's me, or Sarah will get back to you. Wait for the beep.
As the message plays, CAMERA DOLLIES OFF the phone machine and down the corridor of the dark apartment. As the bedroom door draws near, Ginger's recorded voice fades and is super- ceded by CRIES and MOANS.
65 INT. BEDROOM 65 FULL SHOT, framed against the streetlit curtains, Ginger and Matt from a beautiful tableau of lovemaking in silhouette.
Their perfect bodies glisten with backlight as they strain in passion.
CLOSER - TIGHT TWO, revealing that Ginger is wearing her earphones. Matt, without breaking rhythm, reaches out to the night table and thumbs the volume higher.
Ginger cries out louder, apparently enjoying his sure touch on her volume control.