终结者The Terminator Movie Script


The Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction action film written and directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Connor. 《终结者》(The Terminator)是一部1984年的美国科幻动作片,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧和执导。该片由阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)饰演终结者,一名机械人刺客,于2029年至1984年被送回现场,杀死了莎拉·康纳(Linda Hamilton饰),她的儿子有一天会成为世界末日后对抗机器的救世主。迈克尔·比恩(Michael Biehn)饰演凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reese),一名来自未来的士兵,被及时遣返回保护康纳。

I don't understand...
Defense network computer. New.
Powerful. Hooked into everything.
Trusted to run it all. They say it got smart...a new order of intelli- gence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided out fate in a microsecond...extermination.
Reese pauses, and when he continues it's less like a military briefing, quieter.
(continuing) Didn't see the war. I was born after, in the ruins. Grew up there. Starving. Hiding from the H-K's.
The what?
Hunter Killers. Patrol machines.
Build in automated factories.
Most of us were rounded up, put in camps...for orderly disposal.
He pushes up the sleeve of his jacket and shows her a ten digit number etches on the skin of his forearm.
Beneath the numbers is a pattern of lines like the auto- matic-pricing marks on product packages.
(continuing) Burned in by laser scan.
(pause) Some of us were kept alive... to work. Loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day.
We were that close to going out forever... The helicopter moves overhead. Its searchlight illum- inates the car interior, moves on. Before the rotor sound fads, Reese starts the car.
135 EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT 135 Several black-and-whites are moving among the parked cars, slowly.
ANGLE ON TERMINATOR'S CRUISER rolling along just above idle. He peers into the row of cars, listening and seeing on level we can't.
136 INT. BROWN BUICK - NIGHT 136 Reese is holding onto Sarah's shoulder tightly.
(continuing) ...but there was one man...who taught us to fight. To storm the wire of the camps. To smash those metal mother- f***ers into junk. He turned it around...he brought us back from the brink.
(pause) His name is Connor. John Connor... your son, Sarah. Your unborn son.
Sarah stared at him.
137 EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT 137 The brown Buick is F.G. as the nose of Terminator's cruiser appears behind it, moving slowly.
C.U. - TERMINATOR, scanning.
LOW ANGLE, past the back of the Buick, as Terminator cruises by. The tailpipe, F.G., puffs quietly.
Terminator's head snaps around.