终结者The Terminator Movie Script


The Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction action film written and directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Connor. 《终结者》(The Terminator)是一部1984年的美国科幻动作片,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧和执导。该片由阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)饰演终结者,一名机械人刺客,于2029年至1984年被送回现场,杀死了莎拉·康纳(Linda Hamilton饰),她的儿子有一天会成为世界末日后对抗机器的救世主。迈克尔·比恩(Michael Biehn)饰演凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reese),一名来自未来的士兵,被及时遣返回保护康纳。

Terminator's car, B.G., overtakes rapidly.
(shouting) Reese!
146 INT. BUICK - NIGHT146 OVER SARAH'S SHOULDER as they approach an intersection... red light their way and an ALPHA BETA TRUCK entering cross wise.
147 EXT. STREET/CARS - NIGHT 147 Past Terminator, F.G., his shotgun aimed as he comes along side...at Reese.
They are staring down each other's barrels.
148 INT. BUICK - NIGHT148 Sarah grabs the shift lever.
DETAIL - SHIFTER, as she slams it into reverse.
149 EXT. STREET/CARS - NIGHT 149 MOVING WITH BOTH CARS as the Buick skids with rear tires locked. Reese and Terminator FIRE simultaneously.
TIGHT ON REESE as the doorpost next to his shoulder is torn out by the other's blast.
ON TERMINATOR, leaning to see around his shattered wind- shield. Too late.
He hurtles into the intersection, past the skidding Buick.
Clips the back of the semi.
Spins radically.
Vaults the curb in a screeching front-end roll.
WHIP-PANNING WITH THE CRUISER as it crashes upside-down through the counter area of an A & W.
LOW ANGLE as Reese and Sarah slide to a stop in a cloud of tire smoke.
Transmission fluid pours out of the car like blood.
An instant later they are surrounded by an assortment of LAPD, SHERIFF'S DEPT., and CHP CARS.
The helicopter hovers overhead.
MEDIUM ON SARAH AND REESE, he raises his hands, through the side window, in plain sight. A phalanx of cops, guns drawn, approaches the car warily.
Sarah looks at Reese. Then at the cops. She opens the door and runs, staggering, toward them. Vukovich steps forward and pulls her away to safety.
C.U. - REESE watching her go as a cop eases his door open.
150 EXT. A & W - NIGHT150 Two cops approach the overturned squad car jammed into the wreckage of the small building.
They shine their flashlights inside.
It is empty.