终结者The Terminator Movie Script


The Terminator is a 1984 American science-fiction action film written and directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Connor. 《终结者》(The Terminator)是一部1984年的美国科幻动作片,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧和执导。该片由阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)饰演终结者,一名机械人刺客,于2029年至1984年被送回现场,杀死了莎拉·康纳(Linda Hamilton饰),她的儿子有一天会成为世界末日后对抗机器的救世主。迈克尔·比恩(Michael Biehn)饰演凯尔·里斯(Kyle Reese),一名来自未来的士兵,被及时遣返回保护康纳。

(continuing) Good field-dressing.
(brightening) You like it? It's my first.
He rebuttons his shirt and they return to the warmth- conserving embrace. Sarah gazes out the entrance, into the night.
Sleep. It'll be light soon.
(closing her eyes) Okay. Talk some more.
About what?
(murmuring) About where you're from.
Kyle watches the helicopter circling far in the distance.
(pause) You stay down by day, but at night you can move around.
The H-K's use infra-red so you still have to watch out.
But they're not too bright.
John taught us ways to dust them them. That's when the infiltra- tors started to appear. The Terminators were the newest, the worst... During his monologue we have PANNED into the darkness outside and to the helicopter, which flies OUT OF FRAME, leaving black. A ROTOR ROAR fades up.
CUT IN BLACK TO: 183/FX EXT. CITY RUINS, 2029 - NIGHT 183/FX Black sky. Stars.
With a roar an AERIAL PATROL CRAFT enters close overhead.
It has flashing red and blue lights and powerful search- lights which stab down.
TILT DOWN: to a vista of moonlit devastation.
White ash blows in drifts among fire-gutted ruins.
Blackened bones lie everywhere in heaps.
Searchlights sweep the night.
Another aerial unit hovers several blocks away, firing tracers into the ruins.
184/FX EXT. RUINS/STREET - NIGHT 184/FX LOW ANGLE: as a gleaming chrome H-K grinds through the debris of the shattered street on its tank-like tracks, crushing burnt skulls.
Its head turns slowly, playing high-intensity lights over the buildings.
Its hydraulic arms are folded, mantis-like, against its 'torso'. After it passes a number of human figures dart from shadow to shadow, B.G.
185 INT. TUNNELS - NIGHT 185 Reese is among a SQUAD OF MEN in black fatigues, carrying equipment and energy rifles, who enter a debris-littered tunnel.