致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script


美国游客Frank独身远赴欧洲一心治疗情伤,却在火车上邂逅了背景神秘的性感女子Elise。 The perfect trip , the perfect trap. 美好的旅程,美丽的陷阱。 It all started when he ment a woman. 当他遇到一个女人,一切就开始了。 Never trust a beautiful stranger. 永远不要信任一个美丽的陌生人。

. Thank you, sir Detective What developments? - Target is still in the home - The left wing for ten seconds Is displayed? - Yes, emerged - Is this what Stzarh us only?
! You lose the person They go to the caf, took her Good morning - Good morning - How can I serve you?
...Tea with milk, and orange juice ! Croissant with butter and I have attended this demand is already Thank you - Sohoudrh on the spot - Do you have a clear vision? - Yes, sir, it's sip tea - Why? - ! Sip tea - Do you want a little tea, sir? - No, thank you - Good morning, sir - Good morning - I'm looking for this lady called? - Ward)? For it is there) - Thank you Good morning,? - Yes, it is I - ! Me expel you ! Developments there I think that Marcel "British police", "London" Order?
It is sitting in a cafe and talk with a man .. Seems like a messenger You have told me to let you know on the spot ! If there has been nothing unusual Focused the camera on his face Do you think it? - (I think that all they (Pierce - No, thank you It is a gift you can keep them Thank you Here it is, goodbye - Goodbye - Control your it Well grounded ! Time for action Sir, sir we stop police What did I do? - You're under arrest - Talk about everything in the investigation - Case of this woman? - Why am I under arrest on?
"... To trust again in the ! This letter from him Save the this speech, Act now ! Save the discourse of this !, Go Now No, we stopped police - What happened? - Why there?
! Discourse burn to ashes Do not touch the hell ! Collect the ashes and go by the expert Sosalehh in any way We can not cross from this narrow road We have to go from the back, come faster Turn left ! Come faster Let us Police, paved the way ! Damn This arrived on Wednesday So, for the last friendly face Exactly as you expected Do not care what he took by (What I care about is the money stolen from (Reginald Shaw ! And this person is the process of transport Ahmed Toubali) Marcel parcels) ... Of Algerian origin ! Seems that is married and has children ! It is also 4 feet shorter than the supposed to be ! At least this is not the man who expected to appear (Congratulations to you (Okachison You have to solve this issue certainly Seedy this morning had received a letter ... I think that we have a big reason in order to ...Alexander Pearce) has 744 million in legal expense) Which makes it sends something we can not be followed This process has now instructed me to ! Eight million pounds If there is a probability of 1 on a hundred ... You will succeed in this . It would be natural to complete this case But I do not find the probability ...In order to Thank you, sir ...Sir, we have expectations for the theft of in - Not now - "Leon" ! Will meet in the "Lyon" in the eighth and twenty-two minutes "Perhaps you will meet in a train station" Lyon "Yes, it is the train station" Lyon ! There will be a train at 8:22 pm ! Act now "Train to the train station" Lyon
At 8:
22 pm Bring people very much like me And I think it Idjalehm I'm sorry - What? - Is Tmanay in the smoked ... It's not a cigarette within the concept Why? - It's electronic - It contains the same nicotine But it does not just air out smoke ! You do not need the spark plug It seems you were frustrated Why Is my desire to show me I smoke a cigarette, really?
I want to see the man as he wants it to be (I (Ellis - (I (Frank - This name outrageously - Yes, that's what I own now - Maybe we can find you another name - Well - You're British ! I am an American What brought you to the "Venice"?
Do you read spy novels?
! "I am a woman on board a mysterious train" You told me about it Well... ! Seems like you are a diplomat extension Or maybe a girl from "Germany" East Her father has been kidnapped And wish that some sort of Tsergy ... Influential men Tsergy recording small, of course, a matter of small logs What awaits me? - I do not know specifically - Risk? - For - It seems like you have suffered from fire ! In the first two chapters in the story Are there any men in my life?
...Let's wait and see (Call me to dinner (Frank - Why? - Would you like to have the dinner? - Women do not Thabn questions - Join me for dinner - This control plus - Is Tndmy Li at dinner? - That is another question - I I be a dinner ... If you have a desire to be Tndmy Music?
! Anna surrendered Math, I teach mathematics I did not think this ever I imagine you're a great math teacher, is not it?
! But in the end I still maths teacher Can you take my picture? - For - ! Emergency message Do you think that this? - Why, I'm not sure - It does not seem to me more of a personal photo But the substance and seems like he is ! The same view of the quiet, and feeling cold I do not know, probably is - If you were not sure of is Enough - Check out all the databases And you will find a match Well, but'll put it under any report?
Only make the search in the database - (What makes you think that he (Pierce - Make the Find "Osalny Interpol in" Italy I have a strange feeling that two people ! Who are watching us in the back Do you know what?
I think you're right Really?
! Teacher, who has paranoid Keep good shape ! Train will arrive in 10 minutes Control your it soon descends So what do you do with all that time In the city of ghosts?
Is there a woman in your life?
There was - What happened? - I died - I'm sorry to hear this - I think that brought my bags Goodbye - Goodbye, thank you - ! Damn Sir - Wait - "Choose to someone like me in height and body" "And I believe that it Idjalehm" We have got a match (It is a teacher at the University of Mathematics (and Inston (Called (Frank Tupelo He has lost his wife in a car accident Since three years ago ! That tourists Thank you "Osalny Interpol in" Italy Order?
! Flag Cancel the operation, go back to quickly re-emerge Just go to the other side What do you do? - Report of the closure of the Internet - So, is this what seems to him?
None of your business Go back to your business The HE victory flashed in his eyes, such as women You to do ! Damn Order?
(I have some information to Mr. (Shaw (It is exclusive (Alexander Pierce "Alexander Pearce) has just arrived in" Venice) After him?
Yes, sir - "Not your route, to" Venice - Aware, sir - "Now it's time to see the" Venice Hello Do you want to come with me? - Why? - Yes, of course, I certainly need to continue to Thank you for this very nice Hello in the "Venice" Madam ! Bags Thank you ! Portfolios ! You will come Thank you ! Hello Welcome to Hotel "No, Daniel," Madam Suite Lady and her husband ...We have arranged the suite and wonderful ...And the bathroom also contains Can I be briefed on the passport, please? - For - Thank you Would be proud to show you . Wing of myself here Thank you Enjoy your stay, sir - Thank you - Everything has been arranged Through specific instructions I'm sure you will not be disappointed never count towards It Princes Suite "This wing was a deliberate intent to Prince pride of the city of" Balzac Wishes you a beautiful day, sir - Thank you - Act like you're in your home ! It is a hotel really cool, do not you think this?
I'm thinking everything is not it?
! I know it will be with them Look at the big hotels and I want you to put your eyes on them all We can kill the girl, but we can not kill him, is We can not recover my money to him Is that clear? - Yes, sir - And seems like a predator - You never mean to predators? - ...I mean this You are a predator - Do I? - ! Come Skambian champagne with oysters - Excellent choice - It did not say this to me Did not like my choice?