超级人生 The Ultimate Life (2013) Movie Script


Jason Stevens survived the journey his grandfather Red Stevens sent him through for "the Ultimate Gift". Now...That gift which includes managing a Billion dollar foundation is being challenged by his own family. In a courtroom battle...his assets are seized...his love interest with Alexia gets complicated...Jason could lose it all...He is now on a quest to discover what it truly means to fulfill his destiny...And Live. 在这部影片中,杰森已经经过“超级礼品”的考验,承继 了爷爷瑞德十亿美元的产业,不过杰森过得并不好,他一边要办理爷爷的基金,一边还要和贪婪的亲属打官司,甚至连女朋友要出国的事都顾不上。女朋友走后,杰 森总算承受不住压力,跑去找爷爷的老友寻求协助。在那里杰森得到了一本爷爷的日记,为了跟爷爷相同拥有一个超级人生,他开始阅览爷爷的日记。日记从 1941年9月3日开端,那时爷爷瑞德仍是一个十几岁的孩子,他跟着另外两个人一同搭火车去外地营生。之后日记里还记录了瑞德做小帮工的阅历,他向他人请教成功的办法、遇到自个心爱的女孩、还有参军的阅历等等。这些曩昔就像放影片相同在杰森眼前逐个闪过。经过日记,杰森知道到爷爷从前也在金钱面前迷失过, 但他终究理解了亲情和家人才是最重要的产业。爷爷的曩昔带给杰森很大的牵动和启示,所以他也开端去发明归于自个的超级人生。

In theory, yes, but that's a tall order for someone who didn't finish the ninth grade.
I could take that test and pass, if I wanted to.
But there's been plenty of self-made men who didn't finish school. Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, they were all self-educated, they did pretty good on their own.
You have ambition, Red.
But a proper education is important for your future.
- Now, we have a janitor's room... - A janitor's room?
...that's not being used. you can stay there.
Give me a number, at least five digits and a multiplier.
Um... 56,679 times 61.
Four million four hundred fifty-seven thousand, four hundred nineteen.
Now, as for science, I see you have a little eczema on your hand there.
That's a ficus, also known as Ficus benjamina.
The leaves produce an allergen which can cause scratchy eyes, the sniffles, and even eczema.
You're educated. You make, what, $1700 a year?
In this little nowhere Texas town. I'm sorry, sir, I want more.
Red, wait!
Hanna, I've made up my mind.
There's nothing more to talk about.
I just think school's a waste of time.
Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?
- A chip?
- It's like you're afraid or something.
You don't know nothing about me.
You're right, I don't.
But I do know that everybody in this world needs somebody to believe in them.