华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script


The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy film directed by Martin Scorsese. The screenplay by Terence Winter is adapted from the memoir of the same name by Jordan Belfort and recounts from Belfort's perspective his career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm Stratton Oakmont engaged in rampant corruption and fraud on Wall Street that ultimately led to his downfall. Leonardo DiCaprio (who also co-produced the film) stars as Belfort, with Jonah Hill as his business partner and friend Donnie Azoff, Margot Robbie as his second wife Naomi Lapaglia, and Kyle Chandler as Patrick Denham, the FBI agent who tries to bring him down. Matthew McConaughey, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, and Jean Dujardin are also featured. The film marks the director's fifth collaboration with DiCaprio, after Gangs of New York (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), and Shutter Island (2010), as well as his second collaboration with Winter after the television 在危机四伏的投资界,掌管史崔顿·奥克蒙公司的乔丹·贝尔福特(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)生活侈靡、实力雄厚。1987年,22岁的乔丹进入罗斯柴尔德公司,从接线员做起,在高级经纪人马克(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)指点下,进入了股票经纪人充满毒品和欲望的世界,半年后因“黑色星期一”,乔丹转投靠贩卖“便士股票”的小公司,凭借巧舌如簧获得成功,与邻居唐尼(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)和一班朋友另立门户,游走在灰色地带获利颇丰,获称“华尔街之狼”,然而,FBI已经开始留意他

This is some lobby you got.
Ah, yes. We gave our designer an unlimited budget and he exceeded it. Come! You must tell me all about your adventure with the stewardess over coffee!
They disappear upstairs.
150 SCENE 150 OMITTED 150 The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 83.
151 INT. BANQUE REAL DE GENEVE - SAUREL’S OFFICE - DAY 151 Jordan, Rugrat and Donnie drink coffee with Saurel andone other SWISS BANKER. It’s an impressive office, withan enormous fish tank.
We have a joke in America.
“Heaven is a place where thepolice are Brits, the chefs areItalian, the car mechanics are German, the prostitutes are Frenchand the bankers are Swiss.” I never got it ‘til now -- look atthose f***ing fish! Come here, little guy...
Yes, we have the same joke here.
Only sometimes the English arechauffeurs and the chefs are French. The Germans, alas, are always mechanics; no one wants togrant them more authority thanthat.
Polite laughter. Jordan, not as impressed by the fish, cuts straight to the point:
I'm curious about your banksecrecy laws.
Excusez-moi, Jordan, Swiss custom requires ten minutes of idle chitchat before business can be discussed.
(a smile) Of course, let’s get “down to it.” What would you like to know?
Under what circumstances would yoube obligated to cooperate with anFBI or U.S. Justice Departmentinvestigation?
Ca depend.
Ca depend?
Ca depend on what?
The Wolf of Wall Street Buff Revised Pages 3/5/13 84.
Whether America plans to invade Switzerland in the coming months.
Want me to see if tanks are rolling down the Rue de la Croix?
More chuckles. Through Jordan’s forced smile: JORDAN (V.O.) What I’m asking, you Swiss dick, is are you going to f*** me over.
SAUREL (V.O.) I understand perfectly, you American shitheel.
Saurel smiles.
The only way the Banque Real de Geneve would cooperate with a foreign legal body is if the crime being pursued also happened to be a crime in Switzerland. But there are very few Swiss laws pertaining to your “rumored” improprieties.