泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script


  1912年4月10日,号称 “世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。富家少女罗丝(凯特•温丝莱特)与母亲及未婚夫卡尔坐上了头等舱;另一边,放荡不羁的少年画家杰克(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)也在码头的一场赌博中赢得了下等舱的船票。   罗丝厌倦了上流社会虚伪的生活,不愿嫁给卡尔,打算投海自尽,被杰克救起。很快,美丽活泼的罗丝与英俊开朗的杰克相爱,杰克带罗丝参加下等舱的舞会、为她画像,二人的感情逐渐升温。   1912年4月14日,星期天晚上,一个风平浪静的夜晚。泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山,“永不沉没的”泰坦尼克号面临沉船的命运,罗丝和杰克刚萌芽的爱情也将经历生死的考验。 Titanic; the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built. She was the most luxurious liner of her era -- the "ship of dreams" -- which ultimately carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912.

When can we get underway, do you think?
Smith glares at him and turns his attention to Andrews' drawing. The builder points to it for emphasis as he talks.
Water 14 feet above the keel in ten minutes... in the forepeak... in all three holds... and in boiler room six.
That's right.
Five compartments. She can stay afloat with the first four compartments breached. But not five. Not five. As she goes down by the head the water will spill over the tops of the bulkheads... at E Deck... from one to the next... back and back. There's no stopping it.
The pumps--
The pumps buy you time... but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what we do, Titanic will founder.
But this ship can't sink!
She is made of iron, sir. I assure you, she can. And she will. It is a mathematical certainty.
Smith looks like he has been gutpunched.
How much time?
An hour, two at most.
Ismay reels as his dream turns into his worst nightmare.
And how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?
Two thousand two hundred souls aboard, sir.
A long beat. Smith turns to his employer.
I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.
164 EXT. BOAT DECK Andrews is striding along the boat deck, as seamen and officers scurry to uncover the boats. Steam is venting from pipes on the funnes overhead, and the din is horrendous. Speech is difficult adding to the crew's level of disorganization. Andrews sees some men fumbling with the mechanism of one of the Wellin davits and yells to them over the roar of steam.
Turn to the right! Pull the falls taut before you unchock. Have you never had a boat drill?
No sir! Not with these new davits, sir.
He looks around, disguisted as the crew fumble with the davits, and the tackle for the "falls"... the ropes which are used to lower the boats. A few passengers are coming out on deck, hesitantly in the noise and bitter cold.
165 INT. ROSE AND CAL'S SUITE From inside the sitting room they can hear knocking and voices in the corridor.
I had better go dress.
Ruth exits and Hockley crosses to Rose. He regards her coldly for a moment, then SLAPS her across the face.
It is a little slut, isn't it?