泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script


  1912年4月10日,号称 “世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。富家少女罗丝(凯特•温丝莱特)与母亲及未婚夫卡尔坐上了头等舱;另一边,放荡不羁的少年画家杰克(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)也在码头的一场赌博中赢得了下等舱的船票。   罗丝厌倦了上流社会虚伪的生活,不愿嫁给卡尔,打算投海自尽,被杰克救起。很快,美丽活泼的罗丝与英俊开朗的杰克相爱,杰克带罗丝参加下等舱的舞会、为她画像,二人的感情逐渐升温。   1912年4月14日,星期天晚上,一个风平浪静的夜晚。泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山,“永不沉没的”泰坦尼克号面临沉船的命运,罗丝和杰克刚萌芽的爱情也将经历生死的考验。 Titanic; the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built. She was the most luxurious liner of her era -- the "ship of dreams" -- which ultimately carried over 1,500 people to their death in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912.

Rose is covered with a whoollen shawl and walking with a group of steerage passengers. Immigration officers are asking them questions as they come off the gangway.
Dawson. Rose Dawson.
The officer steers her toward a holding area for processing. Rose walks forward with the dazed immigrants. The BOOM! of photographer's magnesium flashes cause them to flinch, and the glare is blinding. There is a sudden disturbance near her as two men burst through the cordon, running to embrace an older woman along the survivors, who cries out with joy. The reporters converge on this emotional scene, and flashes explode.
Rose uses this moment to slip away into the crowd. She pushes through the jostling people, moving with purpose, and none challenges her in the confusion.
OLD ROSE (V.O.) Can you exchange one life for another? A caterpillar turns into a butterfly. If a mindless insect can do it, why couldn't I? Was it any more unimaginable than the sinking of the Titanic?
TRACKING WITH HER as she walks away, further and further until she flashes and the roar are far behind her, and shi is till walking, determined.
303 INT. IMAGING SHACK / KELDYSH Old Rose sits with the group in the Imaging Shack, lit by the blue glow of the screens. She holds the haircomb with the jade butterfly on the handle in her gnarled hands.
We never found anything on Jack. There's no record of him at all.
No, there wouldn't be, would there? And I've never spoken of him until now, not to anyone.
(to Lizzy) Not even your grandfather. A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you all know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me, in every way that a person can be saved.
(closing her eyes) I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.
304 OMITTED 305 EXT. OCEAN FLOOR / TITANIC WRECK The Mir submersibles make their last pass over the ship. We hear Yuri the pilot on the UQC:
Mir One returning to surface.
The sub rises off the deck of the wreck, taking its light with it, leaving the Titanic once again it its fine and private darkness.
306 EXT. KELDYSH DECK A desultory wrap party for the expedition is in progress. There is music and some of the (co-ed) Russian crew are dancing. Bodine is getting drunk in the aggressive style of Baker Joughin.
Lovett stands at the rail, looking down into the black water. Lizzy comes to him, offering him a beer. She puts her hand on his arm.
I'm sorry.
We were pissin' in the wind the whole time.
Lovett notices a figure move through the lights far down at the stern of the ship.
Oh sh*t.
307 EXT. KELDYSH STERN DECK Rose walks through the shadows of the deck machinery. Her nightgown blows in the wind. Her feet are bare. Her hands are clutched at her chest, almost as if she is praying.
ON LOVETT AND LIZZY running down the stairs from the top deck, hauling ass.
ROSE reaches the sern rail. Her gnarled fingers wrap over the rail. Her ancient foot steps up on the gunwale. She pushes herself up, leaning forward. Over her shoulder, we see the black water glinting far below.
LOVETT AND LIZZY run up behind her.