训练日 Training Day Movie Script


In Los Angeles, a city where streets are overrun by drug dealers, those who have sworn to uphold the law are breaking them to clean up the streets. Denzel Washington plays L.A.P.D. detective Alonzo Harris, a veteran narcotics officer whose methods of enforcing the law are questionable, if not corrupt. 'Training Day' follows Harris as he trains rookie Jake Hoyt over a 24-hour period. Ethical dilemmas arise for Hoyt as well as the audience as questions present themselves as to whether or not Harris' methodology for ridding the streets of South Central Los Angeles of drugs is right or wrong.

Officer down. Repeat, officer down.
Congratulations. You're gonna get a medal of valor for this.
- I didn't shoot him.
- Four cops saw it.
But I didn't. You did.
"An L.A.P.D. Narcotics officer was killed today serving a warrant in Echo Park. " Give me the b*tch.
"A spokesperson said the officer is survived by a wife and child. " There's more. You get the picture?
Yeah, I get it.
That's the second time you pointed a gun at me!
Goddamn, boy! That's it, Jake!
Y'all see this?
That's it!
- I'll put a bullet in that melon.
- Wait, wait.
I'm gonna be cool. Drop the gun!
Shoot me.
He's coming with me.
- I'll shoot!
- He's a fed.
No, he ain't. He's just a kid that got the drop on y'all.
Let's take a deep breath and just diffuse this. Jake?
I didn't sign up for this!
I know you're angry.
Everybody, put the guns down.
- Hell, no.