训练日 Training Day Movie Script


In Los Angeles, a city where streets are overrun by drug dealers, those who have sworn to uphold the law are breaking them to clean up the streets. Denzel Washington plays L.A.P.D. detective Alonzo Harris, a veteran narcotics officer whose methods of enforcing the law are questionable, if not corrupt. 'Training Day' follows Harris as he trains rookie Jake Hoyt over a 24-hour period. Ethical dilemmas arise for Hoyt as well as the audience as questions present themselves as to whether or not Harris' methodology for ridding the streets of South Central Los Angeles of drugs is right or wrong.

Get in, it's unlocked.
Throw that in the glove box.
- This is not from the motor pool.
- No. Sexy, though, huh?
- Where's the office, at division?
- You're in the office.
Going up.
Today is a training day.
Give you a taste of the business.
I got 38 cases pending trial 63 active investigations, I supervise five officers.
Five personalities.
Five sets of problems.
You could be six.
I ain't holding no hands.
You got today to show me what you're made of.
You don't like Narcotics, get the f*** out of my car get a job chasing bad checks.
You hear me?
- I hear you.
- Okay.
Why do you want to be a narc?
To serve my community by ridding it of dangerous drugs.
Right, but why a narc?
I want to make detective.
Stick with me, you can do it.
Unlearn that academy sh*t.