枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script


Synopsis:Champion competitive marksman Ken comes across an armored van robbery. He sees a policeman held hostage and shoots and kills four of the robbers. One of the robbers escapes and the policeman survives. The case is handled by Jerry Chang, whom Ken knows from having recently beaten him in a shooting match. Ken is found not guilty in court. Soon after, Ken is attacked by the escaped robber Pang Tao. Their confrontation reveals a very different background story and brings about a myriad of lies and traps and changes in relationships as Jerry and Ken try to outsmart each other. 在IPSC实战射击赛中,警员庄子维(吴彦祖 饰)打破了赛会纪录,但新纪录很快被香港基金经理关友博(古天乐 饰)改写,后者夺魁。赛后,关友博巧遇蒙面歹徒打劫解款车,解款员被歹徒打死。此时,一个交通警(连凯 饰)路过,被歹徒打伤。为救人,关友博击毙了4名劫匪,并报警。另一歹徒落荒而逃,同时4亿美元债券遭抢。交警获救,护理他的是关有博的女友(蔡卓妍 饰)。因非法持枪伤人,关友博被拘。庄子维审问时发现对方超常冷静。面对检方控诉,关友博沉着应对,结果当庭获释。女上司(李冰冰 饰)接他回家,但他对她的殷勤并不领情。关友博的账户存在资金周转问题,他正想方设法拖延还款时间。庄子维在查案中毫无头绪,于是请教老枪王(方中信 饰),从对话中,他似乎嗅到了关键性的线索… 三连发 triple tap

Why did you touch my account?
I'll say I lost all that money.
So I'll get fired.
I don't really care.
All you had to do was to ask, you think I wouldn't help?
Ken Just give it up.
No matter what you've done, I'll pretend it never happened.
As long as you're willing to leave her.
I cannot hurt her.
She's never ever hurt me before.
Have I ever hurt you?
You had nothing, it was me who helped you with your status! How can you treat me like this?
You took away every opportunity I had.
You object all the decision that I make.
Buy Yen sell Yen, buy this, sell this... everything... Cause your decisions in general were all wrong.
And you blame me for protecting you?
It was for your own good! I just want my dignity back.
Just reach for the goal that's all it matters.
Dignity or no dignity, what's the use?
Goodbye Ting I got everything done.
We're leaving tomorrow.
We'll go to Europe, then South Africa, then... get on a cruise in Argentina and head to South Pole, and then to Phuket.
Forget it, we'll get on a flight tonight.
I can't! Billy Tsui might be waking up.
I got transferred over there.